上个星期五的时候是我的最后限期,但是我早上才拿到中文版的税金证明,我就急忙扫描了发给co,并且说,财务部门办事效率低,我今天早上才拿到证明,英文版需要公证翻译,大概一个星期后才能拿,我说我马上去办公证,最快时间把结果发过去。信件就是这样写,也没有多谢了其他乞求,或者情感的成分。然后我就跑去公证了。今天才拿到结果。昨天收到他信,信中的pdf就是简单的An extension of time,多加了28天给我!
今日细心看了co发给我的“28 days extension.pdf”文件。给大家分享下
I have considered the request for an extension of time in which to fully respond to this office’s letter/s dated – 1 November 2007.
I agree to a new timeframe for a response to be provided as detailed below.Timeframe for Response
A full response should be made within 28 days of receiving this letter, which is by – 06 December 2007. You are taken to have received this letter today.
上面的内容比价平实,不过我看到后面,大部分都跟Initial Request信中一样,介绍如何补材料,介绍发送email或者信件的方法,但是有一行红色标注的字(以前没有出现过的)如下:
Do not e-mail individual case officers as this will only delay processing of your information.
上面的内容比价平实,不过我看到后面,大部分都跟Initial Request信中一样,介绍如何补材料,介绍发送email或者信件的方法,但是有一行红色标注的字(以前没有出现过的)如下:
Do not e-mail individual case officers as this will only delay processing of your information.
要给老婆叫英语钱,要在04 October 2008之前登陆
The 2nd instalment VAC must be paid for each person listed above. The amount
the application was received by this office, and is :
AUD$2,765 for applications received from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007