Australia Needs Skills expo<br>
时间:9:30-4:00,15 october,Saturday<br>
地点:Melbourne Exhibition Centre (MELWAY:1C)<br>
The Skilled Migration Program is partnering the Department of Immigration Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA) in the Australia Needs Skills expo, Saturday 15 October 2005, at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre.<br>
Employers will have the opportunity to meet and recruit qualified professionals and tradespeople who have recently arrived in Victoria, and are ready and eager to start work immediately. <br>
Entry will be free for skilled migrants and international students, and will include a seminar program covering visas, industry information and how to get their overseas qualifications assessed.<br>
The expo will also be a great opportunity to showcase regional Victoria and to meet potential employees face-to-face. Smaller businesses are encouraged to contact their local RMIF Coordinator to see if their region will be represented. <br>