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[读者文摘] Poem in Prose - The Teacher of Wisdom

发表于 26-12-2003 16:10:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The Teacher of Wisdom<br>By Oscar Wilde<br>
From his childhood he had been as one filled with the perfect<br>
knowledge of God, and even while he was yet but a lad many of the<br>
saints, as well as certain holy women who dwelt in the free city of<br>
his birth, had been stirred to much wonder by the grave wisdom of<br>
his answers.<br>
And when his parents had given him the robe and the ring of manhood<br>
he kissed them, and left them and went out into the world, that he<br>
might speak to the world about God. For there were at that time<br>
many in the world who either knew not God at all, or had but an<br>
incomplete knowledge of Him, or worshipped the false gods who dwell<br>
in groves and have no care of their worshippers.<br>
And he set his face to the sun and journeyed, walking without<br>
sandals, as he had seen the saints walk, and carrying at his girdle<br>
a leathern wallet and a little water-bottle of burnt clay.<br>
And as he walked along the highway he was full of the joy that comes<br>
from the perfect knowledge of God, and he sang praises unto God<br>
without ceasing; and after a time he reached a strange land in which<br>
there were many cities.<br>
And he passed through eleven cities. And some of these cities were<br>
in valleys, and others were by the banks of great rivers, and others<br>
were set on hills. And in each city he found a disciple who loved<br>
him and followed him, and a great multitude also of people followed<br>
him from each city, and the knowledge of God spread in the whole<br>
land, and many of the rulers were converted, and the priests of the<br>
temples in which there were idols found that half of their gain was<br>
gone, and when they beat upon their drums at noon none, or but a<br>
few, came with peacocks and with offerings of flesh as had been the<br>
custom of the land before his coming.<br>
Yet the more the people followed him, and the greater the number of<br>
his disciples, the greater became his sorrow. And he knew not why<br>
his sorrow was so great. For he spake ever about God, and out of<br>
the fulness of that perfect knowledge of God which God had Himself<br>
given to him.<br>
And one evening he passed out of the eleventh city, which was a city<br>
of Armenia, and his disciples and a great crowd of people followed<br>
after him; and he went up on to a mountain and sat down on a rock<br>
that was on the mountain, and his disciples stood round him, and the<br>
multitude knelt in the valley.<br>
And he bowed his head on his hands and wept, and said to his Soul,<br>
'Why is it that I am full of sorrow and fear, and that each of my<br>
disciples is an enemy that walks in the noonday?' And his Soul<br>
answered him and said, 'God filled thee with the perfect knowledge<br>
of Himself, and thou hast given this knowledge away to others. The<br>
pearl of great price thou hast divided, and the vesture without seam<br>
thou hast parted asunder. He who giveth away wisdom robbeth<br>
himself. He is as one who giveth his treasure to a robber. Is not<br>
God wiser than thou art? Who art thou to give away the secret that<br>
God hath told thee? I was rich once, and thou hast made me poor.<br>
Once I saw God, and now thou hast hidden Him from me.'<br>
And he wept again, for he knew that his Soul spake truth to him, and<br>
that he had given to others the perfect knowledge of God, and that<br>
he was as one clinging to the skirts of God, and that his faith was<br>
leaving him by reason of the number of those who believed in him.<br>
And he said to himself, 'I will talk no more about God. He who<br>
giveth away wisdom robbeth himself.'<br>
And after the space of some hours his disciples came near him and<br>
bowed themselves to the ground and said, 'Master, talk to us about<br>
God, for thou hast the perfect knowledge of God, and no man save<br>
thee hath this knowledge.'<br>
And he answered them and said, 'I will talk to you about all other<br>
things that are in heaven and on earth, but about God I will not<br>
talk to you. Neither now, nor at any time, will I talk to you about<br>
And they were wroth with him and said to him, 'Thou hast led us into<br>
the desert that we might hearken to thee. Wilt thou send us away<br>
hungry, and the great multitude that thou hast made to follow thee?'<br>
And he answered them and said, 'I will not talk to you about God.'<br>
And the multitude murmured against him and said to him, 'Thou hast<br>
led us into the desert, and hast given us no food to eat. Talk to<br>
us about God and it will suffice us.'<br>
But he answered them not a word. For he knew that if he spake to<br>
them about God he would give away his treasure.<br>
And his disciples went away sadly, and the multitude of people<br>
returned to their own homes. And many died on the way.<br>
And when he was alone he rose up and set his face to the moon, and<br>
journeyed for seven moons, speaking to no man nor making any answer.<br>
And when the seventh moon had waned he reached that desert which is<br>
the desert of the Great River. And having found a cavern in which a<br>
Centaur had once dwelt, he took it for his place of dwelling, and<br>
made himself a mat of reeds on which to lie, and became a hermit.<br>
And every hour the Hermit praised God that He had suffered him to<br>
keep some knowledge of Him and of His wonderful greatness.<br>
Now, one evening, as the Hermit was seated before the cavern in<br>
which he had made his place of dwelling, he beheld a young man of<br>
evil and beautiful face who passed by in mean apparel and with empty<br>
hands. Every evening with empty hands the young man passed by, and<br>
every morning he returned with his hands full of purple and pearls.<br>
For he was a Robber and robbed the caravans of the merchants.<br>
And the Hermit looked at him and pitied him. But he spake not a<br>
word. For he knew that he who speaks a word loses his faith.<br>
And one morning, as the young man returned with his hands full of<br>
purple and pearls, he stopped and frowned and stamped his foot upon<br>
the sand, and said to the Hermit: 'Why do you look at me ever in<br>
this manner as I pass by? What is it that I see in your eyes? For<br>
no man has looked at me before in this manner. And the thing is a<br>
thorn and a trouble to me.'<br>
And the Hermit answered him and said, 'What you see in my eyes is<br>
pity. Pity is what looks out at you from my eyes.'<br>
And the young man laughed with scorn, and cried to the Hermit in a<br>
bitter voice, and said to him, 'I have purple and pearls in my<br>
hands, and you have but a mat of reeds on which to lie. What pity<br>
should you have for me? And for what reason have you this pity?'<br>
'I have pity for you,' said the Hermit, 'because you have no<br>
knowledge of God.'<br>
'Is this knowledge of God a precious thing?' asked the young man,<br>
and he came close to the mouth of the cavern.<br>
'It is more precious than all the purple and the pearls of the<br>
world,' answered the Hermit.<br>
'And have you got it?' said the young Robber, and he came closer<br>
'Once, indeed,' answered the Hermit, 'I possessed the perfect<br>
knowledge of God. But in my foolishness I parted with it, and<br>
divided it amongst others. Yet even now is such knowledge as<br>
remains to me more precious than purple or pearls.'<br>
And when the young Robber heard this he threw away the purple and<br>
the pearls that he was bearing in his hands, and drawing a sharp<br>
sword of curved steel he said to the Hermit, 'Give me, forthwith<br>
this knowledge of God that you possess, or I will surely slay you.<br>
Wherefore should I not slay him who has a treasure greater than my<br>
And the Hermit spread out his arms and said, 'Were it not better for<br>
me to go unto the uttermost courts of God and praise Him, than to<br>
live in the world and have no knowledge of Him? Slay me if that be<br>
your desire. But I will not give away my knowledge of God.'<br>
And the young Robber knelt down and besought him, but the Hermit<br>
would not talk to him about God, nor give him his Treasure, and the<br>
young Robber rose up and said to the Hermit, 'Be it as you will. As<br>
for myself, I will go to the City of the Seven Sins, that is but<br>
three days' journey from this place, and for my purple they will<br>
give me pleasure, and for my pearls they will sell me joy.' And he<br>
took up the purple and the pearls and went swiftly away.<br>
And the Hermit cried out and followed him and besought him. For the<br>
space of three days he followed the young Robber on the road and<br>
entreated him to return, nor to enter into the City of the Seven<br>
And ever and anon the young Robber looked back at the Hermit and<br>
called to him, and said, 'Will you give me this knowledge of God<br>
which is more precious than purple and pearls? If you will give me<br>
that, I will not enter the city.'<br>
And ever did the Hermit answer, 'All things that I have I will give<br>
thee, save that one thing only. For that thing it is not lawful for<br>
me to give away.'<br>
And in the twilight of the third day they came nigh to the great<br>
scarlet gates of the City of the Seven Sins. And from the city<br>
there came the sound of much laughter.<br>
And the young Robber laughed in answer, and sought to knock at the<br>
gate. And as he did so the Hermit ran forward and caught him by the<br>
skirts of his raiment, and said to him: 'Stretch forth your hands,<br>
and set your arms around my neck, and put your ear close to my lips,<br>
and I will give you what remains to me of the knowledge of God.'<br>
And the young Robber stopped.<br>
And when the Hermit had given away his knowledge of God, he fell<br>
upon the ground and wept, and a great darkness hid from him the city<br>
and the young Robber, so that he saw them no more.<br>
And as he lay there weeping he was ware of One who was standing<br>
beside him; and He who was standing beside him had feet of brass and<br>
hair like fine wool. And He raised the Hermit up, and said to him:<br>
'Before this time thou hadst the perfect knowledge of God. Now thou<br>
shalt have the perfect love of God. Wherefore art thou weeping?'<br>
And he kissed him.<br>

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