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[读者文摘] Poem in Prose - The House of Judgment

发表于 26-12-2003 16:07:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The House of Judgment<br>By Oscar Wilde<br>
And there was silence in the House of Judgment, and the Man came<br>
naked before God.<br>
And God opened the Book of the Life of the Man.<br>
And God said to the Man, 'Thy life hath been evil, and thou hast<br>
shown cruelty to those who were in need of succour, and to those who<br>
lacked help thou hast been bitter and hard of heart. The poor<br>
called to thee and thou didst not hearken, and thine ears were<br>
closed to the cry of My afflicted. The inheritance of the<br>
fatherless thou didst take unto thyself, and thou didst send the<br>
foxes into the vineyard of thy neighbour's field. Thou didst take<br>
the bread of the children and give it to the dogs to eat, and My<br>
lepers who lived in the marshes, and were at peace and praised Me,<br>
thou didst drive forth on to the highways, and on Mine earth out of<br>
which I made thee thou didst spill innocent blood.'<br>
And the Man made answer and said, 'Even so did I.'<br>
And again God opened the Book of the Life of the Man.<br>
And God said to the Man, 'Thy life hath been evil, and the Beauty I<br>
have shown thou hast sought for, and the Good I have hidden thou<br>
didst pass by. The walls of thy chamber were painted with images,<br>
and from the bed of thine abominations thou didst rise up to the<br>
sound of flutes. Thou didst build seven altars to the sins I have<br>
suffered, and didst eat of the thing that may not be eaten, and the<br>
purple of thy raiment was broidered with the three signs of shame.<br>
Thine idols were neither of gold nor of silver that endure, but of<br>
flesh that dieth. Thou didst stain their hair with perfumes and put<br>
pomegranates in their hands. Thou didst stain their feet with<br>
saffron and spread carpets before them. With antimony thou didst<br>
stain their eyelids and their bodies thou didst smear with myrrh.<br>
Thou didst bow thyself to the ground before them, and the thrones of<br>
thine idols were set in the sun. Thou didst show to the sun thy<br>
shame and to the moon thy madness.'<br>
And the Man made answer and said, 'Even so did I.'<br>
And a third time God opened the Book of the Life of the Man.<br>
And God said to the Man, 'Evil hath been thy life, and with evil<br>
didst thou requite good, and with wrongdoing kindness. The hands<br>
that fed thee thou didst wound, and the breasts that gave thee suck<br>
thou didst despise. He who came to thee with water went away<br>
thirsting, and the outlawed men who hid thee in their tents at night<br>
thou didst betray before dawn. Thine enemy who spared thee thou<br>
didst snare in an ambush, and the friend who walked with thee thou<br>
didst sell for a price, and to those who brought thee Love thou<br>
didst ever give Lust in thy turn.'<br>
And the Man made answer and said, 'Even so did I.'<br>
And God closed the Book of the Life of the Man, and said, 'Surely I<br>
will send thee into Hell. Even into Hell will I send thee.'<br>
And the Man cried out, 'Thou canst not.'<br>
And God said to the Man, 'Wherefore can I not send thee to Hell, and<br>
for what reason?'<br>
'Because in Hell have I always lived,' answered the Man.<br>
And there was silence in the House of Judgment.<br>
And after a space God spake, and said to the Man, 'Seeing that I may<br>
not send thee into Hell, surely I will send thee unto Heaven. Even<br>
unto Heaven will I send thee.'<br>
And the Man cried out, 'Thou canst not.'<br>
And God said to the Man, 'Wherefore can I not send thee unto Heaven,<br>
and for what reason?'<br>
'Because never, and in no place, have I been able to imagine it,'<br>
answered the Man.<br>
And there was silence in the House of Judgment.<br>

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