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<table width=100% bgcolor=#cccccc cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 class=TBone><tr><td bgcolor=#f7f7f7 class=TBBG9><b>下面引用由<u>桃源</u>发表的内容:</b><br>
Normally, just normally, you may expect 2-3 interviews before you get the offer.<br>
1. Interview with Job Agent, <br>
<br>it's very unusual that they send someone to employer without chating with him first, although it did happen sometimes. <br>
<br>Try to ask the agent as much as you can in order to gain more information before you are facing the empolyer at later stage. Don't be shy to talk about salary things as well as technical part. The more you know about the job, the more likely you can get the job. <br>
<br>As the mean time, do not be afraid to let the agent know about yourself. Do remember that the agent does the business buy 'selling' people. If he can not successfully sell you out, he just waste time with no money earn. So basically the agent will help you getting the job. Well, if there is someone who the agent think has better chance, then just bad luck.<br>
2. First interview with Employer. <br>
<br>You might be asked certain questions either related to your job or just personality by people from either HR or Tech Department or both. Normally the interview will take less than 1 hour.<br>
<br>The most important thing need to be remembered when talking to the employer is. They are NOT looking for the best person on the market, in stead, they are always looking for the most suitable one. So if you can make them believe you match their selection criteria the best (not the best quolification), you will have better oppotunity to win the game.<br>
3. Second interview with Employer. <br>
<br>When you get into this stage, congradulations. you are more than 50% likely to get the job.<br>
<br>The employer will not see you if they are not quite sure you are the person they are looking for. So be relax. They might only confirm you with some details and sometimes also show you around the company to let you kow the surroundings also introduce you to your colleagues.<br>
<br>Hopefully the above can help you with some more idea about job interview. Surely, the individual cases might be different from each other. The comment above is just for general reference.<br>
<br>Good luck.<br>