2. Can everyone use their own ID but not fake one. If someone dare not use the original ID to talk, I am wondering how much he can be responsible for what he is talking about.<br>
3. Can we suggest the immigration agent please not join. Nothing personal, <font color="RED">I know someone on this forum who has earn pretty lot money by doing immigration cases and using fake IDs to debate</font>. To me, the opinion might not be fair if business interest involved. Or at least, using his own ID so people know the background of the ideas.<br>
深蓝就是牛, 能看出FAKE ID来, 给点CLUE吧<br>
偶个人一直觉得中介也是一个职业 如果真是凭本事吃饭 未可厚非. 但是居然有FAKE ID发言, 就有点误道的嫌疑了. 我也觉得有BUSINESS INTEREST至少应该先告诉大家 这样大家听你的发言了 可以先多想想<br>
如果有真凭实据, 请深蓝讲一讲. <br>