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[澳洲英语] 澳洲乡村歌王Slim Dusty主要歌曲MP3歌词集

发表于 1-8-2022 13:53:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 dragut 于 14-12-2023 22:22 编辑

Slim Dusty是澳洲乡村音乐首席大师David Gordon Kirkpatrick的艺名,取on the dusty country road之意,他的歌曲歌词质朴纯真,幽默风趣,行文自由,充满了澳洲俚语和习惯用语,覆盖了澳洲几乎所有地理标志,充分反映了澳洲乡村各行各业普通劳动者的生产生活,极富感染力,达到了很高的艺术成就,在世界乡村音乐史上占据一席之地。他的歌曲按内容可以分为牧场生活,卡车司机生活,土著传奇,澳洲文学诗歌和女儿ANNE合作的父女歌谣五大系列。本贴将发表他在YOUTUBE上发表的30余首代表作歌曲歌词,覆盖所有系列,以方便音乐欣赏和英语学习。部分歌曲歌词来自网上lyrics网站,其余部分为自己记录,统一整理发布。
No.1 The Road Is Still My Home
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... Yigj4pw&index=1

Oh I miss the trees, the grass, the open sky,
Oh you never miss the water until the well runs dry.
In the heart of the town that has no heart I feel so all alone,
I guess the open road is still my home, sweet home,
I guess the open road is still my home.

In town in everything you seem to do,
There is an endless wait or endless stand bunched up in a queue.
Oh you all seem busy buzzing around like bees in a honey comb,
But that's not for me, you can have your honey comb, sweet comb,
I will take the open country for my home.

So many say why don't you settle down?
Oh you must get tired and weary always moving around.
But there is no place in for take your leave while I would stay too long,
North or south, east or west is home, sweet home,
Australia anywhere is home, sweet home.

Farewell all friend I will not be gone too long,
Oh you have been my guiding hand of father to me all along.
For many years you see me come and go now on the road,
And you know the reason why I have to roam, and roam,
Because the open country is my home.

When the highway sweeps beneath my restless wheels,
There is a surge of happiness that only wanders can feel.
Oh I am searching for a distant star that ever causes me on,
So I guess always the road will be my home, sweet home,
I guess always the road will be my home.

The Road Is Still My Home.mp3

4.54 MB, 下载次数: 1


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 楼主| 发表于 1-8-2022 14:43:36 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 28-8-2022 21:57 编辑

No. 2 From The Gulf To Adelaide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... Yigj4pw&index=4

No doubt you've heard of droving trips across the Murringai,
And how they brought the bullocks down in the good old days gone by,
But the greatest droving episode that any man has made,
Was 30,000 crocodiles from the Gulf to Adelaide.

Oh I never saw the likes of them that mob of crocodiles,
Thirty footers every one strung out for thirty miles,
Three days it took to start 'em off, three days to straighten em' up,
Three days we travelled southward, three days to block 'em up.

They were long and mean and cranky, they had teeth like cross cut saws,
When passin' though some timber, just to exercise their jaws,
They churned out hardwood posts one foot through by seven tall,
All stacked up by the stock route, barked an' sapped an' all.

Oh they had a normal appetite as lizards really should,
And everything in hair or hide was considered very good,
The first day out from Normanton we missed the jackaroo,
But then, blow me down, the horses went, an' the old blue heeler too.

And the last we saw of Goanna Bob, horse tailer of repute,
He was headin' toward the rabbit proof with a big croc in pursuit,
When drifting down the Flinders, they cracked on a bit of pace,
Oh they took a mob of bullocks and never left a trace.

Oh I've been up and down these stock routes now for 20 years and more,
And I've never seen a travellin' mob the likes of this before,
By Saltbush plains and Gidgee rise down 'long the old Georgina,
They snapped an' snarled and pawed all day, they were slowly gettin' meaner.

They didn't like the spinifex a ticklin' their ol' hides,  (spinifex: coastal grass)
And with water gettin' far apart, the tears came to their eyes,
Now you've heard of crocodile tears but you wouldn't know the meanin',
Oh with 30, 000 sheddin' tears, Oh seein' is believin'.

There was water in the gullies, there was water in the creeks,
And the old Georgina River runnin' belly deep for weeks,
For it was our great salvation for upon that flood of tears,
We sailed 'em down past Lake Eyre on the biggest flood for years.

A short step then to Adelaide, and delivery right on time,
The agent came to meet us, and here's the ending of this rhyme,
For he said you'll have to turn em' around and take them back again,
For the fashion now in ladies shoes is imitation crocodile with the coarser grain.

Wouldn't it rip you.

From The Gulf To Adelaide.mp3

3.76 MB, 下载次数: 0


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 楼主| 发表于 1-8-2022 18:44:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 28-8-2022 22:00 编辑

No. 3 Duncan
这已经成为澳洲Drinking Song
I love to have a beer with Duncan
I love to have a beer with Dun.
We drink in moderation
And we never ever ever get rollin' drunk
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Duncan
'Cause Duncan's me mate, yeah。

I love to have a beer with Colin
I love to have a beer with Col.
We drink in moderation
And it doesn't really matter if he brings his doll. (young woman)
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Colin
'Cause Colin's me mate, mm-mm-mm

I love to have a beer with Kevin
Oh I love to have a beer with Kev.
We drink in moderation
And he drives me home in his big old Chev.
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Kevin
'Cause Kevin's me mate.

I love to have a beer with Patrick,
I love to have a beer with Pat.
We drink in moderation,
And it wouldn't really matter if the beer was flat.
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Patrick
'Cause Patrick's me mate.

- Change key.

I love to have a beer with Robert,
I love to have a beer with Bob.
We drink in moderation,
Just one more and back on the job.
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Robert
'Cause Robert's me mate.

I love to have a beer with Duncan
Oh I love to have a beer with Dun.
We drink in moderation
And we never ever ever get rollin' drunk.
We drink at the town and country,
Where the atmosphere is great.
I love to have a beer with Duncan
'Cause Duncan's me mate
I love to have a beer with Duncan
'Cause Duncan's me mate!

Slim Dusty - Duncan.mp3

3.57 MB, 下载次数: 0


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 楼主| 发表于 1-8-2022 18:50:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 28-8-2022 22:03 编辑

No. 4 Dinki Di Aussie

I was born in a broken down wagonette,
On a far distant Queensland stock route.
And my shawl was a dusty old saddle cloth,
I'm a dinki-di Aussie no doubt!

I was raised on the milk of a kangaroo,
And my dummy was a rum bottle cork.
My diet was damper and bully beef, (damper: an unleavened loaf or cake of flour and water baked in wood ashes. bully beef: corned beef)
I'm a dinki-di Aussie corn stop.

I went to the class of a two up school',
Where a cockatoo watched for the law.
My teacher was a bare knuckle pugilist,
I'm a dinki-di Aussie for sure.

I work in the country for many months,
And some people say that I'm queer.
With a fat cheque I head for the nearest town,
and I bust it on horses and beer.

I'm allergic to red tape and relations,
No in-laws can yap down my ear.
I'm rough and I am rowdy and I drink a bit,
I'm the cause of that pub with no beer.

When finally I go to that other land,
A preacher once told me you see.
He said the reception will be very warm,
For dinki-di Aussies like me.

But I was born in the broken down wagonette,
On a far distant Queensland stock route.
My diet was damper and bully beef,
I'm a dinki-di Aussie no doubt.
I'm a dinki-di Aussie no doubt.

Slim Dusty - Dinki Di Aussie.mp3

3.78 MB, 下载次数: 0


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 楼主| 发表于 1-8-2022 19:01:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 12-8-2022 10:32 编辑

No.5 A Pub With No Beer
Oh it's-a lonesome away from your kindred and all
By the campfire at night we'll hear the wild dingoes call.
But there's-a nothing so lonesome, morbid or drear
Than to stand in the bar of a pub with no beer.

Now the publican's anxious for the quota to come
And there's a far away look on the face of the bum.
The maid's gone all cranky and the cook's acting queer
Oh what a terrible place is a pub with no beer.

Then the stockman rides up with his dry dusty throat
He breasts up to the bar and pulls a wad from his coat.
But the smile on his face quickly turns to a sneer
As the barman says sadly the pub's got no beer.

Then the swaggie comes in smothered in dust and flies
He throws down his roll and rubs the sweat from his eyes.
But when he is told, he says what's this I hear
I've trudged fifty flamin' miles to a pub with no beer.

Now there's a dog on the v'randa, for his master he waits
But the boss is inside drinking wine with his mates.
He hurries for cover and he cringes in fear
It's no place for a dog 'round a pub with no beer.

And old Billy the blacksmith, the first time in his life
Why he's gone home cold sober to his darling wife.
He walks in the kitchen, she says you're early Bill dear
But then he breaks down and tells her the pub's got no beer.

Oh it's hard to believe that there's customers still
But the money's still tinkling in the old ancient till.
The wine buffs are happy and I know they're sincere
When they say they don't care if the pub's got no beer.

So it's-a lonesome away from your kindred and all
By the campfire at night we'll hear the wild dingoes call
But there's-a nothing so lonesome, morbid or drear-a
Than to stand in the bar of a pub with no beer.

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 楼主| 发表于 1-8-2022 19:14:31 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 31-8-2022 19:16 编辑

No.6 Dry Weather Wind
Dry Weather Wind.mp3 (2.44 MB, 下载次数: 0)

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 楼主| 发表于 1-8-2022 22:55:50 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 23-9-2022 15:31 编辑

No . 7 Tibrogargan
这是关于布里斯班著名景点GLASS HOUSE MOUNTAIN的主峰的民谣

In our sun shine state of Queensland nature's beauties do abound,
From the gulfing tablelands north up south to the Darling Downs.
But my story of a mountain though a legend brought to shame,
In our famous Glass House mountains Tibrogargan is its name.

Tibrogargan, Tibrogargan you look such a stately sight,
As you tower above the highway thousands pass you day and night.
For I wonder if there is many know your legend just like me,
As you stand in sombre silence sadly watching out to sea.

Our Tibrogargan was the father of the tribe throughout the land,
And Beerwah was the maiden fair who'd given him her hand.
They had many many children dream time legends do recall,
Coonowrin was the eldest, a warrior straight and tall.

Tibrogargan, Tibrogargan taught his children wrong from right,
And kept watch for many dangers that might threaten day or night.
Then one day Tibrogargan knew what the rate of flood there would be,
For he see a mighty rising of the waters out to sea.

Said Tibrogargant to Coonowrin help mother Beerwah get away,
And I will follow within gangang land the others now at play.
But Coonowrin proved the coward and went safely on his own,
And left his mother there to face the dangers all alone.

Now Tibrogargan, Tibrogargan he grew angry at the sight,
And with Narumnarun in his hand he struck Coonowrin in his flight.
Tibrogargan's shame was heavy at the son so cowardly,
That to look upon him never more but just face out to sea.

So if you pass our Glass House mountains on the highway or by train,
In the west look at Coonowrin seems to hang his head in shame.
Tibrogargan keeps his promise and looks on his son no more,
But keeps on facing eastward to the mighty ocean shore.

Tibrogargan, Tibrogargan you look such a stately sight,
As you tower above the highway thousands pass you day and night.
Oh I wonder if there is many know your legend just like me,
As you stand in sombre silence sadly watching out to sea.

Slim Dusty - Tibrogargan.mp3

4.65 MB, 下载次数: 0


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 楼主| 发表于 3-8-2022 18:51:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 20-10-2022 18:24 编辑

No. 8 Abalinga Mail

My name is Bluey Simpson well how yer goin' mate?
I've been conductor on this train since 1928.
I hope you're in no hurry sport sit down and settle back
They call the Abalinga Mail the snail of the outback.

Oh the Abalinga mail my oath she's slow,
And I should be the one to know.
It's no good you goin' crook I tell you son,
'Cause if you're really in a hurry then you better get out an' run.

We once took on 200 lambs only eight weeks old,
They were headed clear across the state to the place where they'd been sold.
That trip was takin' so damn long I didn't think we'd rear 'em,
Ah we had to stop three flamin' times and take 'em off and shear 'em.

Two newly weds got on one year in the early part of June,
They were headed for the seaside for a happy honeymoon.
Now I wouldn't say that trip was slow but I think it was no use,
Well by the time we reached the coast their divorce had just come through.

Oh the Abalinga Mail my oath she's slow,
And I should be the one to know.
It's no good you goin' crook I tell you son,
'Cause if you're really in a hurry then you better get out an' run.

We made the outback stations with some Sydney papers from last year,
And the people on the cattle stations gave a mighty cheer.
They longed to read the latest news from the great big world outside,
But they got an dreadful shock to learn that Pharlap he had died. Oh!

Oh the Abalinga Mail my oath she's slow,
And I should be the one to know.
It's no good you goin' crook I tell you son,
'Cause if you're really in a hurry then you better get out and run,
And you're really in a hurry then you better get out an' run.

Slim Dusty - Abalinga Mail.mp3

4.22 MB, 下载次数: 0


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 楼主| 发表于 4-8-2022 18:06:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 25-11-2023 19:25 编辑

No. 9 Old Tiboob'ra
Songwriter – Joe Daly , Slim Dusty

When I am too old to earn a quid and roven days are raw,
There is a little spread chip of New South Wales that I will be heading for.
To rest my weary bones until the Good Lord calls my name,
Back home in Old Tiboob'ra, the place from where I came.

Now I've been around in many towns in Australian seven states,
And many a cheque I busted up when I met with many mates.
There for a while I settle down until my itching toes,
Driving me back to Old Tiboob'ra where friendship barely blows.

I know someday when I get back to the little old town of mine,
For I have searched the country for been there all the time.
I know my mates will take me back and treat me just the same,
Back home in Old Tiboob'ra, the place from where I came.

On Saturday night the dance is held at outcomes of the evening crops,
They tripped the light and tested until dawn breaks all the rocks.
Then home bound a few would go to places far and near,
Except a few old pals who stayed back drinking beer.

There is good old country music played and the boys knocked down a few,
And favourite verses rendered call Scot got his wife subdue.
And old guitar and couple of spoons and the old yodel and clear,
Supplies the kind of music Tiboob'ra likes to hear.

So I am too old to earn a quid no longer ride a neck,
In the main street of Tiboob'ra I gladly drop my swag.
And with those old bush mates of mine and the stories will be told,
And we drink to old Tiboob'ra where the streets are lined with gold.

So I am too old to earn a quid no longer ride a neck,
In the main street of Tiboob'ra I'll gladly drop my swag.
To rest my weary bones until the Good Lord calls my name,
Back home in Old Tiboob'ra, the place from where I came,
The place from where I came, the place from where I came,
The place from where I came, the place from where I came.

Old Tiboob'ra.mp3

2.78 MB, 下载次数: 1


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 楼主| 发表于 11-8-2022 10:15:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 1-11-2022 22:15 编辑

No. 10 Charleville
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... &rv=FqtttbbYfSM
Well I met her at a disco in the School of Arts Hotel,
The kind of place that some girls won't attend,
The moon shone over Edwards Street and later I could tell,
I'd never be a lonely man again.

In Charleville (in Charleville), in Charleville (in Charleville)
There's a pretty little woman says she'll say I will,
In Charleville (in Charleville), in Charleville (in Charleville)
There's a pretty little woman says she'll say I will.

We're gonna have a wedding cake that's twenty layers high,
And fifteen hundred family and friends,
We'll cook ourselves a dozen lambs and drink the district dry,
Then whip around the hat and start again. (用帽子领赏钱)

In Charleville (in Charleville), in Charleville (in Charleville)
There's a pretty little woman says she'll say I will.
In Charleville (in Charleville), in Charleville (in Charleville)
There's a pretty little woman says she'll say I will.

Well I've seen Girls in Paris to humble any man,
I've seen Earls embarrassed by models in Milan,
But I've seen enough to know the only girl I need to see
And she's waiting back in Charleville for me.

In Charleville (in Charleville), in Charleville (in Charleville)
There's a pretty little woman says she'll say I will.
In Charleville (in Charleville), in Charleville (in Charleville)
There's a pretty little woman says she'll say I will.
In Charleville (in Charleville), in Charleville (in Charleville)
In Charleville (in Charleville), in Charleville (in Charleville)
In Charleville (in Charleville), in Charleville (in Charleville)
There's a pretty little woman says she'll say I will.

Slim Dusty - Charleville.mp3

4.26 MB, 下载次数: 0


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 楼主| 发表于 11-8-2022 21:46:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 13-8-2022 21:27 编辑

N0. 11 Long Distance Driving
Well I've gotta make it into Sydney markets tonight,
I've gotta be unloaded at Flemington before daylight.
The Kennys' polished up and my log books' filled in to go,
Why on earth I took on long distance drivin', mate I'll never know.

I pushed her into 1st gear let the clutch out and then I'm away,
The way the clutch is shuddering she's four tonne over I'd say.
I hate to think what will happen when we get to Marulan weighbridge,
If they make me unload I'll be late and that's ridgy didge.

Well I've gotta make it into Sydney markets tonight.
I gotta be unloaded at Flemington before daylight.
My Kennys' polished up and my log books' filled in to go.
Why on earth I took on long distance drivin', mate I'll never know.   

I got my ears on but I'm sittin' on the side I don't want to chat.
I only use it emergency to ask where the blue lights are at.
If I don't blow a tyre I'll be there in plenty of time.
If I don't go crazy starin' at this long white line.

Cause I've gotta make it into Sydney markets tonight.
I've gotta be unloaded at Flemington before daylight.
My The Kennys' polished up and my log books' filled in to go.
Oh why on earth I took on long distance drivin', mate I'll never know.
That's right.

That bloke in the kombi, is drivin' me right round the bend.
I'll tailgate awhile he might let me around in the end.
If he keeps slowin' up it's certain I'll do my block.
If that happens mate he'll be in for one hell of a shock, yeah.

Well I've gotta make it into Sydney markets tonight.
I've gotta be unloaded at Flemington before daylight.
Hey the Kennys' polished up and my log books' filled in to go.
Why on earth I took on long distance drivin', mate I'll never know.
Why on earth I took on long distance drivin', mate I'll never know.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-8-2022 11:17:07 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 13-8-2022 21:09 编辑

No. 12 Camooweal
Camooweal是昆州西部边界小镇。这首描述乡村恋情的忧伤的情歌是澳洲乡村歌曲传奇Mack Cormack和Slim Dusty联合创作的名曲,very powerful lyrics。
Should ever I go back to Camooweal?
'Twould be in the spring when desert flowers bloom.
Oh, the spinifex I know would still be there,
And the desert pea would brighten up the gloom.

Should ever I go back to Camooweal?
One thing is sure I'd not be twenty-two.
As if that day when I first wandered there,
But mem'ries stay with me as mem'ries do.

How fresh her mem'ry keeps for still I feel,
The velvet softness of her auburn hair.
And see again the moonbeams in her eyes,
As I did so long ago when I was there.

Youth called to youth in that now distant day,
I did not heed, my heart did not reveal.
And now I know that love was born and lost,
In that little border town of Camooweal.

Oh, the long road beckoned on, my feet said go,
To search beyond the hills for what I find.
Although I've wandered far this sunburnt land,
I've never found what I have left behind.

Oh the burning fire of that other spring,
Is now but ashes and the hurt won't heal.
Time heals all wounds they say, but leaves the scar,
So I think I'll not go back to Camooweal.

Time heals all wounds they say, but leaves the scar,
So I think I'll not go back to Camooweal,
No I think I'll not go back to Camooweal.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-8-2022 17:22:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 26-11-2022 17:26 编辑

No.13 Clara Waters

I was drivin' out through Mitchell
Heard a lonesome railroad whistle
So I stopped beside the highway for a spell.
And in this pleasant place
Was a notice well displayed
With a story I am now about to tell.

The notice was a roll of those who'd paid the toll
While working on the railroad to the west.
Wives and workers perished
With the children that they cherished
And in lonely graves were gently laid to rest.
Then I found my vision misted
As among the many listed
The name of Clara Waters caught my eye.
I imagined my own daughter
In the place of Clara waters
While the busy highway traffic hurtled by.

How short her life had been
She was only seventeen
Yet her story may be very simply told.
A doctor might have saved her
From the fever after labour
Her baby died when he was four days old.
Then the scene before me shifted
As back in time I drifted
As back in time a hundred years I went.
And through my muddled dreaming
A morning sun came beaming
On a battered billy steaming by a tent.

For here was pretty Clara
With her husband there to share a
Simple meal before their daily task.
I am anxious now to meet her
So I hurry on to greet her
With the questions that I feel I have to ask.

And when the day is breaking
Is there happiness in waking
Have you had your share of laughter joy and cheer?
You were very young to marry
And the baby that you carry
Does it make you wish your mother could be near?
In the coolness of the morning
In the piccaninnie dawning
Does your husband tell you often of his love?
While the magpies merry singing
In the higher branches ringing
Is bringing morning greetings from above?

Does the gentle evening breeze
Wave the smoke up through the trees?
Do you see the shafts of sunlight drifting down?
Or has drudgery and duty
Made you blind to every beauty
While the camp is turning dusty bare and brown?

With a bed of planks and sacking
And with every comfort lacking
Growing heavy as your time is drawing near.
In your shabby tent so dreary
Are you very often weary
And do you sometimes shed a silent lonely tear?

And when her son was born
On a hot December morn
And the deadly fever started on its quest.
Was there time for her to hold him
And in her love enfold him
Was there time to give him comfort at her breast?
Of course there's no replying
To my questions and my prying
And suddenly I know it's time to go.
But I reckon I'll remember
What happened that December
In the summertime a hundred years ago.

And then a road train passes
There's a ripple through the grasses
As if to wave a fleeting sad goodbye.
To Clara and her son
Their lives so briefly run
And the busy highway traffic rushes by.

Clara Waters.mp3

4.72 MB, 下载次数: 0


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 楼主| 发表于 13-8-2022 21:59:13 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 6-10-2022 18:12 编辑

No. 14 Keep The Lovelight Shining
Slim and Joy
Keep the lovelight shining or your heart may break in two,
Don't let bitterness creep in and get a hold on you,
Don't just throw away your life of love and tenderness,
But keep the lovelight shinin' for the one you love the best.

How can I tell you, what can I say,
To comfort you and help you in your trouble today,
Even though she’s left you, left you all alone,
Just keep your love a-shinin' 'til the day she comes home.

Slim and Joy
Keep the lovelight a shining or your heart may break in two,
Don't let bitterness creep in and get a hold on you,
Don't just throw away your life of love and tenderness,
But keep the lovelight shinin' for the one you love the best.


She won’t be the first one that’s wandered away,
And she won’t be the last one to come home some day,
If you really love her, want her for your own,
Just keep your love a-shinin' for the day she comes home.

Keep the lovelight a shining or your heart may break in two,
Don't let bitterness creep in and get a hold on you,
Don't just throw away your life of love and tenderness,
But keep the lovelight shinin' for the one you love the best.

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 楼主| 发表于 14-8-2022 23:26:31 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 16-8-2022 20:37 编辑

No. 15 Crying on Each Other's Shoulder

I guess that we were born to stir up trouble,
As we rush around in high heel rumbling shoes.
We either on cloud nine or sadly sliding,
Down into the deep depth of the blue.

'Cause we have learned to cry upon each other's shoulder,
The wheels of world goes round round way.
We are growing wiser now as we grow older,
And just as well I heard some people say.

The telephone runs hot with each disaster,
Oh it's sympathizer as Christ says the word.
We are always running late we are never early,
And parking fines are part of other world.

'Cause we have learned to cry upon each other's shoulder,
The wheels of world goes round round way.
We are growing wiser now as we grow older,
And just as well I heard some people say.

We often roll up when the party is over,
And my close friends sometimes show the strain,
We are not always number one with our own family,
But still we know they love each other the same.

'Cause we have learned to cry upon each other's shoulder,
The wheels of world goes round round way.
We are growing wiser now as we grow older,
And just as well I heard some people say.
Yeah  just as well I heard some people say.

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 楼主| 发表于 16-8-2022 21:40:05 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 16-8-2022 20:43 编辑

No. 16 Australia's on the Wallaby
Our fathers came in search of gold and claim that proved a duffer,
The syndicates, the banks, the bosses they all made us suffer.
We fought for freedom for ourselves, ourselves and mates of toil,
Australia's sons are weary and the billy's on the boil.

Australia's on the wallaby oh listen to the cooee,
The kangaroo he packs his port and the emu shoulders Bluey.
The boomerangs are whizzing round, the dingo scratches gravel,
The possum, bears and bandicoots are always on the travel.

That old tiger snake and damper, oh that's what's on the coals,
The droughts and floods and raggered dust dried our waterholes.
Oh tree less runs and sun scorched plains are asking us to toil,
Australia's sons are weary and the billy's on the boil.

Australia's on the wallaby oh listen to the cooee,
The kangaroo he packs his port and the emu shoulders Bluey.
The boomerangs are whizzing round, the dingo scratches gravel,
The possum, bears and bandicoots are always on the travel.

The kooka calls at bats and owls, the pigeion and the shag,
The platypus, the mallee hen have all rolled up their swags,
The curlaway waves his goodbyes beside the long lagoon
And the brolga does the last long waltz as I play the whopping tune.

Australia's on the wallaby oh listen to the cooee,
The kangaroo he packs his port and the emu shoulders Bluey.
The boomerangs are whizzing round, the dingo scratches gravel,
The possum, bears and bandicoots are always on the travel.

Australia's on the wallaby oh listen to the cooee,
The kangaroo he packs his port and the emu shoulders Bluey.
The boomerangs are whizzing round, the dingo scratches gravel,
The possum, bears and bandicoots are always on the travel.

Australia's on the wallaby oh listen to the cooee...

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 楼主| 发表于 18-8-2022 15:42:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 18-8-2022 14:44 编辑

No. 17 I Haven't Changed A Bit
Slimy and Anne父女系列歌谣最著名的一首

When I look at you my dear I can't help wond'ring
What happened to my quiet baby girl,
That ponytail just doesn't seem familiar,
It's always swingin' in a crazy whirl.
But it still belongs to me, daddy, darlin',
Although it might have grown I must admit,
But underneath the swinging and the dancing,
I think you'll find I haven't changed a bit.


My peaceful life is always now invaded,
With transistors bleeding out the latest hit,
And your dresses all seem different to me darlin',
Are you sure you haven't changed that little bit?
(oh-oh yeah)
Well I like to hear the latest thing in music,
And I'd rather dance than stay at home and knit,
But it's best of all when we can get together,
So you see I really haven't changed a bit.


Come over here my teenage possum and I'll tell you,
All about a brand new song I wrote today,
You can tell me if you think that I should change it,
Or will I sing it in the same old country way.
Keep a country tune to all the songs you sing, Dad,
'Cause they swing along as well as any hit,
I was raised on country music and you'll see Dad,
That your teenage daughter hasn't changed a bit.

Let's keep a country tune to all the songs we sing now,
'Cause they swing along as well as any hit,
We were raised on country music and we'll show you,
That our kind of music hasn't changed a bit.

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 楼主| 发表于 19-8-2022 15:19:52 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 14-10-2022 22:11 编辑

No.18 Daddy's Girl
A whole new life is waiting for you darlin',
Go out to meet your bright new world,
And face your troubles bravely when you meet them,
Show the world you're really daddy's girl.
You're growing up and I know you must go forward,
To meet your young folk in their happy world,
But remember that your dad is still behind you,
And to me you'll always be your daddy's girl.

Growing up is fine and full of fun, Dad
There’s so much that I what to see and do
But when I want to tell someone my troubles,
Then daddy's girl can always come to you.
I know you'll always keep that place for me dad,
And no one else in this big busy world,
Could ever love me just the same as you do,
That's why I'll always be my daddy's girl.

I'm proud to see you dressed up for a party,
You look the sweetest girl in all the town,
And when I see your face so bright and smiling,
Oh, I pray your dreams will never let you down.

Love and laughter's waiting 'round the corner,
Maybe there are tears and sorrow too.
And if they’re more than I can take a lone dad,
I know that I can always come to you.
The music and the dancing and the boyfriends,
Are all part of my happy teenage world,
But the best boyfriend I’ll ever have is you dad,
But I'm proud to say that I'm my daddy's girl.

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 楼主| 发表于 20-8-2022 19:21:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 11-2-2024 14:50 编辑

No. 19 The man from the Snowy River
这是Banjo Peterson诗篇系列歌曲最出名的一首
There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around
That the colt from Old Regret had got away,
And had joined the wild bush horses -- he was worth a thousand pound,
So all the cracks had gathered to the fray.
All the tried and noted riders from the stations near and far
Had mustered at the homestead overnight,
For the bushmen love hard riding where the wild bush horses are,
And the stock-horse snuffs the battle with delight.
There was Harrison, who made his pile when Pardon won the cup,
The old man with his hair as white as snow;
But few could ride beside him when his blood was fairly up
He would go wherever horse and man could go.
And Clancy of the Overflow came down to lend a hand,
No better horseman ever held the reins;
For never horse could throw him while the saddle-girths would stand,
He learnt to ride while droving on the plains.

And one was there, a stripling on a small and weedy beast,
He was something like a racehorse undersized,
With a touch of Timor pony -- three parts thoroughbred at least,
And such as are by mountain horsemen prized.
He was hard and tough and wiry -- just the sort that won't say die,
There was courage in his quick impatient tread;
And he bore the badge of gameness in his bright and fiery eye,
And the proud and lofty carriage of his head.

But still so slight and weedy, one would doubt his power to stay,
And the old man said, `That horse will never do
For a long and tiring gallop lad, you'd better stop away,
Those hills are far too rough for such as you.'
So he waited sad and wistful only Clancy stood his friend
`I think we ought to let him come,' he said;
`I warrant he'll be with us when he's wanted at the end,
For both his horse and he are mountain bred.

`Oh he hails from Snowy River, up by Kosciusko's side,
Where the hills are twice as steep and twice as rough,
Where a horse's hoofs strike firelight from the flint stones every stride,
The man that holds his own is good enough.
And the Snowy River riders on the mountains make their home,
Where the river runs those giant hills between;
I have seen full many horsemen since I first commenced to roam,
But nowhere yet such horsemen have I seen.'

So he went they found the horses by the big mimosa clump,
They raced away towards the mountain's brow,
And the old man gave his orders, `Boys, go at them from the jump,
No use to try for fancy riding now.
And, Clancy, you must wheel them, try and wheel them to the right.
Ride boldly, lad, and never fear the spills,
For never yet was rider that could keep the mob in sight,
If once they gain the shelter of those hills.'
So Clancy rode to wheel them, he was racing on the wing
Where the best and boldest riders take their place,
And he raced his stock-horse past them, and he made the ranges ring
With the stockwhip, as he met them face to face.
Then they halted for a moment, while he swung the dreaded lash,
But they saw their well-loved mountain full in view,
And they charged beneath the stockwhip with a sharp and sudden dash,
And off into the mountain scrub they flew.

Then fast the horsemen followed, where the gorges deep and black,
Resounded to the thunder of their tread,
And the stockwhips woke the echoes, and they fiercely answered back,
From cliffs and crags that beetled overhead.
And upward, ever upward, the wild horses held their way,
Where kurrajong and mountain ash grew wide;
And the old man muttered fiercely, `We may bid the mob good day,
NO man can hold them down the other side.'

When they reached the mountain's summit, even Clancy took a pull,
It well might make the boldest hold their breath,
The wild hop scrub grew thickly, and the hidden ground was full,
Of wombat holes, and any slip was death.
But the man from Snowy River let the pony have his head,
And he swung his stockwhip round and gave a cheer,
And he raced him down the mountain like a torrent down its bed,
While the others stood and watched in very fear.

He sent the flint stones flying, but the pony kept his feet,
He cleared the fallen timber in his stride,
And the man from Snowy River never shifted in his seat,
It was grand to see that mountain horseman ride.
Through the stringy barks and saplings, on the rough and broken ground,
Down the hillside at a racing pace he went;
And he never drew the bridle till he landed safe and sound,
At the bottom of that terrible descent.
He was right among the horses as they climbed the further hill,
And the watchers on the mountain standing mute,
Saw him ply the stockwhip fiercely, he was right among them still,
As he raced across the clearing in pursuit.
Then they lost him for a moment, where two mountain gullies met
In the ranges, but a final glimpse reveals
On a dim and distant hillside the wild horses racing yet,
With the man from Snowy River at their heels.

And he ran them single-handed till their sides were white with foam.
He followed like a bloodhound on their track,
Till they halted cowed and beaten, then he turned their heads for home,
And alone and unassisted brought them back.
But his hardy mountain pony he could scarcely raise a trot,
He was blood from hip to shoulder from the spur;
But his pluck was still undaunted, and his courage fiery hot,
For never yet was mountain horse a cur.

And down by Kosciusko, where the pine-clad ridges raise
Their torn and rugged battlements on high,
Where the air is clear as crystal, and the white stars fairly blaze,
At midnight in the cold and frosty sky,
And where around the Overflow the reedbeds sweep and sway
To the breezes, and the rolling plains are wide,
Oh the man from Snowy River is a household word to-day,
And the stockmen tell the story of his ride.

And the stockmen tell the story of his ride.
And the stockmen tell the story of his ride.
And the stockmen tell the story of his ride. [Fade]

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 楼主| 发表于 22-8-2022 10:30:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 22-8-2022 09:41 编辑

No. 20 Written Afterwards
Henry Lawson的又一诗作
Well the days of my riding are over,
And the days of my tramping are done,
I'm about as content as a rover
Will ever be under the sun;

I write, after reading your letter,
My mind with old memories rife,
And I feel in a mood that had better
Not meet the true eyes of the wife.

You must never admit a suggestion,
That the old things are good to recall;
You must never consider the question:
'Was I happier then, after all?'

You must banish the old hope and sorrow
That make the sad pleasures of life,
You must live for To-day and To-morrow
If you want to be true to the wife.

By-the-way, when you're writing, remember
For you never went drinking with me,
And forget our last night of December,
Lest our sev'ral accounts disagree.

And, for my sake, old man, you had better
Avoid the old language of strife,
For the technical terms of your letter
Will be misunderstood by the wife.

Never hint of the girls appertaining (related to, concern)
To the past, when you're writing again,
For they take such a lot of explaining,
And you know how I hate to explain.

There are some things, we know to our sorrow,
That cut to the heart like a knife,
And your past is To-day and To-morrow
If you want to be true to the wife.

No doubt you are dreaming as I did
And going the careless old pace,
But my future grows dull and decided,
And the world narrows down to the Place.

Let it be, if my 'treason's' resented,
You may do worse, old man, in your life;
Let me dream, too, that I am contented
For the sake of a true little wife.

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 楼主| 发表于 23-8-2022 19:43:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 25-8-2022 17:26 编辑

No. 21 Answer To Billy
It must be all of three years now since Billy hit the track,
And Jenny with a broken heart has been to hell and back.
They say she'll never love again, t'was just a one night stand,
For she's still holds a candle for that no good truckin' man.

Now Jenny runs a diner where she's workin' until late,
To catch a glimpse of Billy when he's hauling interstate.
But every trucks a Kenworth when she's lookin' for a Mack,
And deep down in her heart she knows that Billy won't be back.

He's out there somewhere in the night the flashes comes again,
She sees him on a mountain road in driving wind and rain.
With vision poor and glaring lights and blinded weary eyes,
Ah she prays to God, "Don't let it be the way that Billy dies."

She watches all the trucks roll in, there’s Jim from Gundagai,
She watches out for Billy's truck in traffic passin' by.
And with the roster for the day the staff are briefed before,
"Watch out for that big ol' Mack with pinstripes on the door."

She drives out on the slower lane on the highway out of town,
And every truck she sees his face, her world is upside down.
She parks beside the vacant block, they lived there in a van,
And remembers how she loved and lost that no good trucking man.

It must be all of three years now since Billy hit the track,
And Jenny with a broken heart has been to hell and back.
They say she'll never love again,but just a one night stand,
For she's still holds a candle for that no good truckin' man.
Yes she's still holds a candle for that no good truckin' man.

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 楼主| 发表于 25-8-2022 18:22:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 25-8-2022 17:25 编辑

No. 22 When The Currawongs Come Down
When I was just a young man I remember being told,
By a weather beaten bushman Grizzled grey & old.
He was sitting on a bar stool On a sale day in the town,
Oh it's time to get the rum out When the Currawongs come down.

When the Currawongs come down from the mountains,
To the warmer valley country down below,
When the Currawongs come down from the timber,
It's a sign of rough weather, rain or snow.

Now through out the passing years so often I have heard,
The plain & simple Currawong refered to as great birds.
Well I have studied nature closely and one thing I have found,
It's time to don your oilskins when the Currawongs come down.

I know many indications learn't from bushman I have met,
Indications of the weather dry or cold or wet.
Sometimes they are right you know and sometimes wrong I've found
But there's no two ways about it when the Currawongs come down.

When the Currawongs come down from the mountains,
To the warmer valley country down below,
When the Currawongs come down from the timber,
It's a sign of rough weather, rain or snow.

Now I live here in the Snowy's with their howling winter winds
Were as soon as summers over the winter time begins
And The artists love the beauty of frost upon the ground,
Then it's time for winter fires when the Currawongs come down.

When the Currawongs come down from the mountains,
To the warmer valley country down below,
When the Currawongs come down from the timber,
It's a sign of rough weather, rain or snow.

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 楼主| 发表于 25-8-2022 18:32:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 25-11-2023 19:34 编辑

No. 23 Mt. Isa Rodeo

Roll up you Ozzie horsemen, a challenge has been thrown.
Don't let it go unnoticed, rough riding's in your bones.
So pass along the grapevine, let everybody know
You've still got time to enter in Mt Isa's rodeo.

They combed the north west stations, and brought the outlaws in.
They're lively and they'll make you earn the prizes that you win.
The brumbies from the northlands are yarded up to go.
And throw an open challenge at the Isa rodeo.

So roll up you Ozzie horsemen let everybody know
You've still got time to enter in Mt Isa's rodeo

The feature horse is spinifex you've heard of him I suppose.
He's reputation deadly as everybody knows.
So come on you bow legged stockmen.
This challenge has to go, to anyone from anywhere at the Isa rodeo.

The town is decked out gaily, and flags are flying high.
There's country music playing, beneath that friendly sky.
Roughriders roll in daily, and set the town aglow.
And the big parade's already called the Isa rodeo.

So roll up you Ozzie horsemen let everybody know.
You've still got time to enter in Mt Isa's rodeo.

Now when the dust as settled, and crowds have all gone home.
It's kind of sad to wander through, the rodeo grounds alone.
But we will all remember this year was a mighty show.
And the folks are coming back again to the Isa rodeo.
To the Isa rodeo.

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 楼主| 发表于 25-8-2022 22:42:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 13-10-2022 22:41 编辑

No. 24 Angels In Disguise
God sent an angel to the earth in lowly guise she came,
She was kind and tolerant and Mary was her name.
Oh, she did the work around the house, for all the careless throng,
And as she worked she'd sometimes sing a tuneless little song.

To me her voice was beautiful, and oft' times at her knees,
Her little tuneless song you know would cheer and comfort me,
Oh she had that happy little knack, with a smile that lit her face,
To ease the strain of those in pain and poor souls in disgrace.

Though her hands were worn and rubbed and when they stroked your brow,
They were cool and soft as silk, wish I could hold them now.
Our love for her it was sincere, in careless way you know,
We'd go places so to mask, if so she would like to go.

But even Dad neglected her, yet loved her just the same,
As on that day that little church when she first took his name.
Years went by and hair turned grey, her face a little lined,
The only way she seemed to change was sweeter and more kind.

Then her footsteps faulted just a bit and her work took over long,
At times we did not hear her sing that tuneless little song.
God must have seen the many ways in which we caused her pain,
For He called one night when all was still and He took her home again.

Oh we miss her more than words can tell, but with our opened eyes,
We learned at last that mothers are angels in disguise.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-9-2022 00:01:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 13-10-2022 22:20 编辑

No. 25 Steppin' Round Australia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... rMFaH8&index=10
Don't point the finger of scorn at me don't look at me and frown,
Your hitchin’ post can't hobble me or even slow me down.
I like to meet my people as I sing along the line,
Steppin’ round Australia with this old guitar of mine.

I'd like to tell my story all about the old days when
I first heard a country song I think that I was ten.
I felt such great excitement when I heard that melody,
From then I knew that country music was a part of me.

I bought myself an old guitar from a friend across the creek,
I sang and played and played and sang till I could hardly speak.
Next thing I knew I'd hit the town and radio it came,
And the radio boss gave me a break and Morrisby was his name.

So don't point the finger of scorn at me don't look at me and frown,
Your hitchin’ post can't hobble me or even slow me down.
I like to meet my people as I sing along the line,
Steppin’ round Australia with this old guitar of mine.
Let’s step now oh yeah

Guitar Solo

I threw aside my friends and home when I was just a boy.
But I soon found the road of song was not all cheer and joy.
I always dreamed of records and for many years did try,
In ‘47 I broke through with The Rain Tumbles in July.

There's nothin’ more or much to tell I've just been movin’ on,
As long as you folks listen I'll continue writin’ songs.
I'll always be a wanderer till I reach my journey's end,
My height of joy is singin’ songs and always makin’ friends.

So don't point the finger of scorn at me don't look at me and frown,
Your hitchin’ post can't hobble me or even slow me down.
I like to meet my people as I sing along the line,
Steppin’ round Australia with this old guitar of mine.

From the LP “Sing Along With Dad” - September 1968
Barcoo Bill

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 楼主| 发表于 9-9-2022 18:52:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 25-11-2023 19:36 编辑

No. 26 Old Stock Ridin' Days
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... rMFaH8&index=33

The wind comes over the ranges' peak like a galloping brumby colt,  ( a young male horse)
And roars in the gums and slams at the door and rattles the rusty bolt.
Come in old timer and swallow a spot, kindle your pipe and talk,
Of the good old days when we swung the axe and the whip and the sluicing fork.

Pull up that chair to the cheerful fire and toast your shins at the blaze, (shin: the front of the leg below the knee)
And we’ll take a trip just you and I to the old stock ridin’ days.
We’ll couple the teams of memory to the wagons of desire,
And we’ll follow the way where our fancies stray to some half forgotten fire.

And we’ll hear as the first stars glimmer through the swing of the windy trees,
The echoing bells of the old time teams come buffeting down the breeze.
Then to drowsy pastures by fern covered creeks we’ll scatter the old teams out,
And with pipe and billy and tucker box we’ll gather and gay carouse.

Guitar Solo

We’ll spin old tales of bygone trips and we’ll all a chorus raise,
To the rollicking songs our old mates sung back in the good old days.
Oh I hear the clatter of wagon wheels down the steepening slope of years,
I listen on nights to the long lost bells that rattle on vanished steers.

My autumn has merged into winter bleak and life’s westerlies now blow,
Soon I shall saddle my horse again and gather my gear and go.
I’ll follow old tracks by forgotten fires on that last track leading west,
To camp in a valley of times blue hills where the old stock riders rest.

And there when the first stars glimmer I shall gather around the blaze,
With my old mates missing these long long years from the old stock riding days.
With my old mates missing these long long years from the old stock riding days.

Here’s one for you Macca

From the LP “Walk a Country Mile” September, 1979
Barcoo Bill

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发表于 9-9-2022 22:32:44 | 只看该作者
谢谢楼主。   听了几首,挺好听的。

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 楼主| 发表于 18-9-2022 16:30:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 25-11-2023 19:40 编辑

No. 27 Leave Him In The Long Yard
这首歌颂老马的歌曲被用来在纪念Slim Dusty的音乐会上用来比喻逝去的Slim Dusty本人
Yes he's lookin' kind of jaded,
And his sight is not the best,
And the hair around his muzzle's turnin' grey.
He has seen a hundred musters,
And I think it's only fair,
We leave him in the long yard here today.

He was broken in the sixties,
Maybe sixty three or four,
Never faltered always seemed to be on hand.
Never have I seen him beaten,
By a bullock in the bush,
And at a night watch he was pick of all the land.

So leave him out there in the long yard do not rush him.
Leave him out there with his mate the baldy bay.
Leave him there till after smoko and we'll catch him
We'll pull his tail and turn him out today.

Yes he's lookin' kind of jaded,
And his sight is not the best,
And the hair around his muzzle's turnin' grey.
He has seen a hundred musters,
And I think it's only fair,
That we leave him in the long yard here today.

He's entitled to some kindness,
In return for all he's been,
Now he's failin' and his step is gettin' slow.
Let him squander his last summer,
By the river with his mates,
In the paddock where the sweetest grasses grow.

So leave him out there in the long yard do not rush him,
Leave him out there with his mate the baldy bay.
With his mates that he can graze he can laze with,
Leave him there and we will turn him out today.

Leave him out there in the long yard do not rush him,
Leave him out there with his mate the baldy bay.
With his mates that he can graze he can laze with,
Oh leave him there and we will turn him out today,
leave him there and we will turn him out today.

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 楼主| 发表于 23-9-2022 16:26:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 15-10-2022 19:26 编辑

No. 28 Road Of Loneliness

I think that I'll go walking down the road of loneliness,
And there I might find someone whose heart is all a mess.
We'll share our tears together on that we must agree,
And everyone is down hearted and as lonely as can be.

I had a certain someone but she just ran away,
No use to go and find her she could be in Bombay.
She left a note here is what she wrote: I'm certain we are through,
It closed the door to happiness now here's what I must do.

I know that I must go a walking down the road of loneliness,
And there I might find someone whose heart is all a mess.
We'll share our tears together on that we must agree,
And we will be down hearted and as lonely as can be.

And when we've strolled together and there is no where else to go,
Well brush those crazy tears way and life will start to glow.
Maybe we’ll love each other it's very hard to guess,
Then arm and arm we'll take the turn that leads to happiness.

And then no more we'll go a-walking down the road of loneliness,
Where you can still find someone whose heart is all a mess.
They share their tears together on that they all agree,
And everyone is down hearted and as lonely as can be.
Oh yes everyone is down hearted and as be lonely as can be.

Road Of Loneliness.mp3

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-9-2022 18:57:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dragut 于 25-9-2022 18:00 编辑

No. 29 Born To Be A Rolling Stone
As the years roll on I tramp along beside them,
Never have no cares so never need to hide them.
From the sunny north down to the south I roam,
For I guess that I was born a rolling stone.

Sometimes I settle down and the road forgets me,
Then the wanderlust comes on and soon upsets me.
So I down tools and I just leave work alone,
For I guess that I was born a rolling stone.

My mates are far and many as I tramp through out the years,
Some are rich and some are poor but o'er a glass of beer.
They're all decent blokes who share a joke with no distinction shown,
And they're the mates of this old rolling stone.

Yeah, I just take it easy you know.

How my life has changed, to me it seems like magic,
From what I used to be, some say it's tragic, Ha ha.
Oh but that's a story better left alone,
For I guess that I was born a rolling stone.

So when I'm on the track and camped beside the highway,
Just a-lazing back an' gazing at God's skyway,
Will my footsteps ever reach that golden drone?
Will they ever welcome in this rolling stone?

使用道具 举报

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