1、话虽如此, having said that 话虽这么说
So weird. Having said that, years ago, we had 2 push bikes turn up in our backyard overnight.
2、Turn out a neighbour has stolen them and was temporarily 'storing' them in our bacjtard.
3、How the heck did you manage to 'move it out of the way'?
4、We literally picked it up as much as we were able and moved it enough to get my car past.
5、Maybe used in illegal acts or whatever.
key words:
turn up 出现/露面
turn out 结果是/原来是
how the heck 到底/究竟
as much as we are able 尽我们所能
literally 按字面/真正地/确实地
illegal act 非法行为/违法行为/不法行为
1、以此衡量, by that measure 按这个做法/从这个角度来看/以这个标准来看
I told him that - by that measure I could sit on a stranger's lap on the train, if I couldn't find somewhere to sit.
2、Maybe put out it on the footpath and it will disappear at some stage.
3、Finally the bike is being put on the tow truck as I'm posting.
4、Malvern Police didn't care but Camberwell got it sorted in 2 hours.
5、Apparently the new owner reported it stolen 2 days after I reported it.
key words:
lap 大腿
at some stage 总有一天/有朝一日/在某个阶段/在某个时段
get it sorted 处理好/妥善处理/安排妥当
tow truck 拖车
1、He called the police station last night to report a 'stranger danger' incident.
2、His child was approached in the dark by a teen in a red bandana.
3、The teen put his hand on my son and said, 'you are coming with me.'
4、I have got involved with a mystery car like the bike you're talking about last time.
5、头等大事, number one priority
You have to try to keep yourself safe, this is the number one priority.
key words:
stranger danger 来自陌生人的危险/陌生人的危险
bandana 花色丝质的头巾/方巾/围巾
priority 优先事项/当务之急/首要事情/重点/优先/优先权
1、I have a serious issue with my laptop.
2、I've lost everything and now I can't get into it. It has crashed I think.
3、I would ask what brand of laptop and how old.
4、As a retired tech. My gut feeling is if it won't power on, it probably is dead.
5、The data should be easy to recover, as it's on the disk.
key words:
crash (计算机)崩溃/瘫痪/死机/撞车
gut feeling 直觉/感觉/第六感
dead 没电了
1、自己动手, help oneself to something 自由取食/自行取用/自己取用
I found this woman helping herself to flowers from my garden bed.
2、In the simplest of terms, a raised garden bed is a container or box full of soil in which plants are grown.
3、I ask what she thought she was doing and told her she was out of order.
4、She replied that I should be flattered she took my flowers and then flung them on the ground.
5、I told her she was extremely rude and to pick them up.
key words:
garden bed (木板围起来的小块)花坛
in the simplest terms 简单地说/用最简单的话来说
out of order 不守规矩/不懂规矩/很不妥的/行为不当/不合乎规则/不得体的
be flatered 受宠若惊/听奉承话/感到高兴/感到荣幸/觉得荣幸的/被奉承得高兴
flatter vt. 奉承/讨好/向…谄媚/使高兴/使感到荣幸
fling 猛扔/(尤指生气地)扔/掷/抛
1、I went inside via my garage, and she picked up a rock and threw it at garage along with a bowl of water I leave out for dogs.
2、I went back out to confront her and to tell her to get off my property and I took a photo of her.
3、随心所欲, can do as someone pleases
She went off her nut - said she had lived in the aea for 35 years and could do as she pleased.
4、I walked off and went back up my stairs and she started screaming.
5、I don't know where she lives - I suspect on Bellevue Rd.
key words:
confront 直面/面对/对峙/面对
nut 坚果/螺母/人的头(或大脑)
off nut 失去理智/发疯/糊涂
please (在as或what、 where等词后)想/选择/喜欢
suspect 猜想/觉得/怀疑
1、Can someone pls help or hook up someone who can save our poor TV?
2、This line thingy goes right through the menu and I can't watch it.
3、No visible damage I just IDEK.
4、Let it stay unplugged for a couple of minutes before plugging it back in and turning it on.
5、断电启动, hard reset 重新启动/硬复位/硬重置
You unplug the TV and then hold the power button for 10 seconds, it will hard reset the TV.
key words:
hook up 找到/联系上/泡上/钓上某人/与某人来往/交流合作
thingy (用来指代不知其名的人或物)那人/那东西
that line thingy 那行东西
IDEK的全称:I Don't Even Know | 我都不知道/我甚至不知道/而我自己却浑然不知/我还不知道
unplug 拔掉…的电源插头
plug 接通电源/把插头插进插座
1、The vet said my cat was in good health.
2、The vet siad my cat was very healthy.
3、This puppy deserves a forever home to call his own.
4、除了我们,other than us
We live in a court and this morning our entire court had their bin lids changed, other than us.
5、We had our caddy pinched. They cut off and left the cable tie on the grass.
key words:
be in good health 身体健康/身体好
call 把…叫做/认为…是/把…看作
a forever home to call his own 一个永远属于自己的家
other than = except 除了
pinch 捏/掐/一撮/少量/偷窃
caddy 桶/罐
1、I am in need of some assistance with a plumbing issue in my home.
2、The water blocker in my basin is stuck and won't push open.
3、I have tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to work.
4、How do I fix a stuck Push Down Sink Plug, 4 ways to free Pop Up Plug.
5、总是发生, keep happening 不断发生/持续发生/老是发生/一再发生
If it keeps happening, it could be due to wear and tear or rust or damage by cleaning products.
key words:
assistance with sth
assistance in doing sth/to do sth 帮助/援助/支持 help or support
water blocker 水塞子
to free 释放/使解脱出来
push down plug 下推的水塞
pop up plug 弹出的水塞
be due to 由于/因为/归因于
wear and tear 磨损/正常的消耗,损耗
1、这就对了, that's the spirit 应该有这个精神/做得对/精神可嘉
That's the spirit, Barry, yes, if I were you, I'd certainly give it a try.
2、If I were you, I wouldn't do that.
3、I'd better hurry. Do you think I can make it?
4、Are the mountains worth seeing?
5、It's much quicker and less tiring.
key words:
if I were you, I would 如果我是你,我会xxx
had better 最好
make it 及时到达/及时赶上参加/经历艰难困苦后成功
spirit 精神/心境/勇气/心态/心灵/情绪
be worth doing 值得做
tiring 累的