
楼主 |
发表于 28-2-2019 15:04:22
过去的周末把施瓦辛格自传听完了,刚刚抽空在Good Reads上写了个读后感,发上来算是个proper closure
Traditionally muscular men would be considered simple minded. But as i get more and more into exercise and fitness in recent years, i have a completely new view on this. Every bits of muscle comes from hard training and muscular man means self-discipline strong will power. Arnold Schwarzenegger is undoubtedly a man with both muscles and intelligence. What i have learned from him is that you need a clear goal what you want to achieve, then do whatever it take to get there. He had an idol from his teenager years, who was in body building and then got into acting. Then he has this path in his mind and made it! He is smart no doubt, but more importantly he worked really hard. With the 24 hrs everyone has in each day, he can fill so many tasks into it: training, acting, studying, business and construction. I am inspired by him, and comparing with him i am asking too little out of myself and i lack of a big picture where i wanna go. It is a autography, which people might say is biased and only show the positive side of a person, but i am not bothered by it. As we all read fictions, real or not i got inspired by the character. |