刚grant不久去查的时候就查不到,当时以为是需要过段时间才能查或者是系统抽风呢,后来入境也没问题,就不关心它了。最近又想起这个系统心想查一下吧,结果还是查不到,TRN,visa grant number都试过了,不行,给的错误信息是:
Your query cannot be processed as the system has encountered an error (3). Please call 131 881 and an officer will assist you. If you would like to submit a new enquiry, please select the clear button to refresh the page.
The details entered could not be found. Please check the information you have entered is correct and try again. Otherwise, please visit our Help with VEVO webpage for more information about why you may have received this error message.