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[edu] 【学术阅读】文史社科医商简记

 楼主| 发表于 22-9-2019 16:41:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 22-9-2019 16:58 编辑

2017, The changing meaning of eating out in three English cities 1995-2015, Appetite
  • examines aspects of the experience of eating out in 2015 and tis change over time - describe the consequences for popular understanding of the social significance of eating out in 2015, its informalisation and normalisation.
  • methods: re-study of eating out behaviour = three data sets (a survey in 1995 + a repeat survey 2015 + follow-up, in-depth, semi-structured interviews) aged over 65 excluded
  • results: changing reasons for eating out
  • discussion:

2017, Eating out in modern societies: an overview of a heterogeneous habit, Appetite (sample of literature review+discussions on various single journal)
  • since the 1980s studies ... transformed as a result of the modernisation of societies
  • Engel's law states that households tend to spend proportionally less on food when their income grows, it has also been confirmed that the increase of expenditure on eating out is a feature of such changes in food consumption in developed countries (Lopez Martin-Lagos, 2011)
  • literature review on four areas of research: consumer, commercial sector, health, sociological character.
  • present a western perspective on eating out from the point of view of the decisions taken by the consumer, entreprenurs
  • Jessica Paddock, Alan Warde and Jennifer Whillans = eating out is a shared and sociable experience, a shift made from saving time, reducing the effort to cook, communications technology is making the practice of eating out a more spontaneous, less pre-planned, activity; transformations can be perceived over the years

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 楼主| 发表于 24-9-2019 12:31:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 24-9-2019 12:07 编辑

Book: Alan Warde & Lydia Martens 2000, Eating Out: social differentiation, consumption and pleasure, Cambridge University Press
(a research based on a study of the consumption of food outside the home carried out in England in the 1990s)
  • the practice of eating out has increased drammatically over recent years .. collected a wealth of information into people's attitude towards, and expectations of, eating out as a form of enterainment and an expression of taste and status ... social inequalities in access to eating out, social distinction, interactions between customers and staff, and the economic and social implications of the practice.
  • studying eating out methods of investigation, theorise and themes, the organisation of the book
  • modes of provision: the development of the habit of eating out in the UK: commercial mode, institutional catering, communal mode, provision: a summary;; the meanings of eating out: share understandings of eating out, reasons to eat out: pleasure, leisure and necessity, attitudes towards eating out, eating out and other leisure activities, entertaining, shared understanding and cultural templates
  • access: patterns of eating out: the forming of a ahabit, commercial venues, on being a guest, metropolitan and provincial patterns, the concentration of inequality;; domestic organisation, family meals and eating out: the organisation of domestic food work, commercial alternatives: substitution, time and money ...
  • delivery: personal service in public and private settings , .. power and informality
  • enjoyment: the attractions of eating out: eating out as a source of gratification ... sociality: participation and mutuality
  • conclusion: eating out and theories of consumption: events, variety and the social consequences of eating out

Book: John Burnett 2004, England Eats Out: a social history of eating out in England from 1830 to the present, Longman Publishing
  • today eating out is more than just fetting fed; it is an expression of lifestyle. In the past it has been crucial to survival for the impoverished but a primary form of entertainment for the few ... to eat ourside the home for pleasure was mainly restricted to the wealthier classes when travelling or on holiday ... Eating out came to all classes, to men, women and young people after World War II as a result of rising standards of living, the growth of leisure and the emergence of new types of restaurants having wide popular appeal.
  • 1830-1880: eating to live, places of refreshment for the working classes, the growth of gastronomy
  • 1880-1914: catering for the masses, for the classes
  • 1914-1945: WWI 14/18; 18/19 after the deluge; 39/45 WWII the worst of times
  • 1945-2000: from austerity to affluence 45/70, a revolution at table 70/2000

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 楼主| 发表于 2-10-2019 22:52:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 3-10-2019 00:10 编辑

2015, Commentary on Michael A. Peters' short essay, 'Socrates and Confucius: the cultural foundations and ethics of learning' by Duck-Joo Kwak (Seoul National University
  • .. insightful reflection on the nature of comparative studies on the East and West
  • what draws the author into this comparative project in the first place seems to be ..
  • However, this .. does not seem to give us an easy instruction on how to do comparative studies in a proper way..
  • the first approach is manifested in the work of ..
  • the other comparative approach that the author seems to find unsatisfactory is an ..
  • then, what is the author's final suggestion on how to do ..
  • this means that learning in both traditions has deeply to do with ethics in its background
  • in the end ...

2013, Emotionales versus rationales: a comparation between Confucius' and Socrates' ethics, Asian Philosophy by Liu, Qingping
  • founders of Chinese, Confucius; Greek ethical traditions, Socrates
  • affecition versus knowledge: human affairs through rational inquiry
  • the emotional vs the rational
  • flian love vs justice

Mothod mourning: xunzi on ritual perfermance
  • Xunzi's essay - A Discussion of Rituals, attempted to theorise the nature and importance of rituals

1996, The Pane of Sorrow: public uses of personal grief in modern China by Vera Schwarcz
  • history, Jews, 顾城

2006, On Confucius' principle of consanguineous affection: a reading of the dialogue about the three-year mourning in the Analects by Liu, qingping


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 楼主| 发表于 4-10-2019 18:29:21 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 12-11-2020 13:22 编辑

2017, Review: moving from novice to expertise and its implications for instruction, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
  • address the stages of expertise development, what differentiates a novice from an expert
  • a progress from novice, advance beginner, proficient, competent, and finnaly expert
  • expertise = experience -> strategically increase the challenge of the task, but experience alone is insuficient to guarantee the development of expertise = the idea that 10, 000 hours of practice is needed to develop expertise is a fallacy
  • expertise = substantial knowledge bases that affect what they noticee, and how they organise, represent and inteerpret information --> better problem solving and performance
  • only a small fraction of people

Moving from Novice to Expertise.pdf

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 楼主| 发表于 5-10-2019 12:30:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 7-10-2019 19:36 编辑

critical memoir writing practice with an academic aim

the ealier one: Place-based genre writing as critical expressivist practice by David Seitz

Critical memoir and identify formation: being, belonging, becoming

2016, My memoir betrayed me: a neo-expressivist study of the other side of the sky: a memoir by Farah Ahmedi; by Neelam Jabeen, Transational literature
  • As opposed to expresivism, neo-expresivism rests on the idea that expression in writing is not of a single, authentic self but something more than this.

2017, Critical autobiography: a new genre?
  • its origin St. Augustine's Confessions

a personal narrative that includes a reflective element focusing on one major motif and theme
it has 5 parts to it
intro: the hook, set the scene, thesis statement
body: plot (a beginning, middle, and end) ; transitions ( a new para marks a change in action or a move from action to reflection
conclu. the theme and reflection: lession learned, impacts on your life now and in the future


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 楼主| 发表于 18-10-2019 11:32:26 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 18-10-2019 12:10 编辑

Book: Organisational Behaviour: core concepts and applications 4th ed.
  • contents: managing individual behaviour and perfermance (2/5), managing group dynamics and team performance (6/7), managing organisational processes and performance (8/14), case study. intro: justfy its existance, it as open systems; ten attributes of the global manager to an effective manager, managing task perfermance moving from traditional to re-engineered values, human resource maintenance, the mangement process; contemporary themes in organisational behaviour: globalisation, the changing nature of work, the changing nature of the workforce, the changing nature of employer-employee relations, ethics and values
  • individual attributes and their effects on job performance
  • motivation and empowerment
  • learning, reinforcement and self-mangement
  • job design, goal setting and flexible work arrangements
  • groups and group dynamics
  • teamwork and team building
  • organisational structure and design
  • oranisational culture
  • power, politics and influence in organisations
  • leadership
  • desicison making
  • communication, conflict and negotiation in organisations
  • organisational change and innovation


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 楼主| 发表于 18-10-2019 12:09:28 | 只看该作者
Book: The realities of work: experiencing work and employment in contemporary society 4th edi.
  • exploring the realities of work
  • the changing context of work
  • the meaning of work: attitudes to work entitlement and obligation
  • time and work
  • work skills: the processes of social closure
  • work routines: work categorisation framework and trends in skill change; paradigms of work organisation
  • emotion work
  • knowledge and work: spiral of knowledge creation
  • survival strategies at work: Marx's theory of the labour process and alienation; acceptability of workplace fiddles
  • unfair discrimination at work: the process of discrimination in an organisation
  • representation at work: levles of influence on TU membership decisions; the vicious/virtuous circle of union presence
  • hidden work: dimensions of hidden work
  • work and life: proportions of working fathers and mothers working unsocial hours; levels of response to work-life balance pressures


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 楼主| 发表于 21-11-2019 17:25:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 21-11-2019 17:44 编辑

Think fast, talk smart: communication techniques (grammatically incorrect attempting a catchy effect)

Stanford Graduate School of Business



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 楼主| 发表于 4-12-2019 13:16:49 | 只看该作者
Australian Social Policy & the Human Services by Carson & Kerr, 2014
Cambridge University Press

1) Debates and Principles
Fundamental debates in social policy:
... welfare categories/equality and equity/contested concepts
Personal and professional values in human services practice
... society's changing values/social responsibility/developing a personal philosophy of practice

2) Australian social policy
the history of Australian social policy
... welfare support before Federation
... the social investment state
... Keynesianism and social policy
... attempts at comprehensive universalism
... neoliberalism
... welfare reform and risk management
the policymaking process
... policy levels/policymaking approaches/Australian models/stages in the policy process/policy considerations for the 21st century

3) the Hunan Services
human services models
... contractualism/new public management/relational contracting and compacts/network governance/collaboration/regulation and reporting
third sector organisations
... the workforce/recruitment and retention/wages/volunteers

4) Australian policy in practice
... income support: measures of poverty/people in poverty/income support policy
... employment: work as primary welfare/changes in the labour force/employment policy
... housing: tenure types/housing policy/areas of disadvantage
... health care: social determinants of health/health inequity/health policy/areas of disadvantage
... the family and child welfare: the changing family/family policy/child policy
... indigenous Australians: disadvantage/indigenous policy

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 楼主| 发表于 4-12-2019 15:09:34 | 只看该作者
Cairney, Paul Understanding Public Policy: Theories & Issues

1) Intro: theories/issues
... study public policy(pp)/the general approach/theories from old to new/power, agenda setting and public policy/governance and the power of the centre/individuals, institutions and environment/bureaucratic policies, policy networks and group-government relations/the role of ideas/stability and instability; continuity&change
2) the definition/measuring pp/narratives of pp/theories, models and heuristics/policy cycle/implementation/top-down and bottom-up implementation/evaluation/maintenance, succession&termination/beyond the cycle
3) power and pp
... definition of power/from community power to thought control: traditional approaches to power and politics/from empirical to normative: the right to exercise power/anglophone versus continental European discussions of power/contemporary approaches to power and policymaking
4) institutions and 'new institutionalism'
... identifying formal and informal institutions/precise definition of institutions & institutionalism/key variants: historical institutionalism, rational choice institutionalism, normative and sociological institutionalism, constructivist (discursive) institutionalism/the new institutionalism: is there more to unite than divide them
5) rationality and incrementalism
... comprehensive rationality/bounded rationality/incrementalism: is it a universal phenomenon?/the normative debate: how should we make policy? Should power be concentrated in the 'centre'?/how do modern theories conceptualise bounded rationality? is incrementalism inevitable?
6) structural explanations
... do structural factors determine politics?/the economic context: Marxism and globalisation/the government context: inheritance before choice and policy succession/the policy process as complex system
7) Rational choice theory
... the meaning of rational, rational choice & rational choice theory/the role of game theory&its relevance to public policy/the relevance of rational choice theory to pp/the main debates between rational choice advocates and critics
8) multi-level governance
... governance definition & its problem/multi-level governance and the Westminster model/multi-level governance, policy netoworks and the European Union/multi-level governance, federalism & beyond
9) punctuated equilibrium(pe)
... why pe?/policy communities and policy monopolies/'issue networks and the executive establishment/agenda setting/problem definition/venue shopping/case studies/the generalisability of pe from case studies to theory; other political systems
10) the advocacy coalition framework
... a picture of the advocacy coalition framework/belief systems and power/the dynamics of 'policy-oriented leaning'/stability and instability, continuity and change/applications and revisions/applications outside the US/the ACF and the public policy literature
11) the role of ideas
... defining ideas/ideas as the primary source of explanation: viruses and norms/coalitions, punctuations and paradigms/policy windows, multiple streams and garbage cans
12) policy transfer
... session-drawing, diffusion, convergence and policy transfer/who does it and from where are sessions drawn/why transfer? is transfer voluntary?/what is transferred? how much is transferred?/what determines the likelihood and success of policy transfer/links to the wider literature: is the transfer process 'rational'?
13) conclu. synthesis/combined literatures, but different meanings?/combined theories: commonalities and contradictions/multiple theories, multiple perspectives

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 楼主| 发表于 4-12-2019 18:17:42 | 只看该作者
The Wealth Paradox: economic prosperity and the hardening of attitudes by Mols, F & Jetten (UQ), J. 2017
(in related to Political Psychology)

1) what we know or think we know
... recognising the elephant/tracing the origins of Harsh Times assumptions/empirical evidence for the Harsh Times Producing Hard Attitudes hypothesis
2) broadening our horizon: the Wealth Paradox
... rethinking the relationship between Wealth and Tolerance: national, regional and local trends/development aid, charitable giving and economic prosperity/the relative nature of wealth
3) understanding the Wealth Paradox
... towards an explanation of the wealth paradox: introducing social identity theorising/the wealth paradox explained/the missing link: crafty politicians galvanising latent sentiments

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 楼主| 发表于 11-8-2020 11:31:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 11-8-2020 10:53 编辑

Sattler, J.M 2014, Foundations of Behavioral, Social and Clinical Assessment of Children 6 edi.
chap.1 intro
  • terminology related to cognitive, emotional, behavioral and social domains

  • sources: child/parents/teachers/other faamily members/other informants/child's records aand previous evaluations
  • assessment methods (multimethod assessment approach + make a referral to other professionals): norm-referenced tests/interviews/observations/informal assessment procedures
  • areas assessed: intelligence/memory/achievement/visual skills/auditory skills/motor skills/oral language/adaptive behavior/social-emotional-personality functioning
  • results
  • clinical impressions
  • recommendaations

  • guidlines for conducting assessments: background consideraations/administration/interpretation
  • theroretical perspectives for ... clinical assessments: developmental/normative-developmental/cognitive-behavioral/family-systems = an eclectic perspective (integrating elements from other perspectivees)
  • assessment dimensions and cagegories: normal/deviant, dysfunctional families
  • empirical approach, clinical approach, gene-environment (genetic/biological) , negative parenting practices
  • risk and protective factors
  • key national indicators of child wellbeing
  • intervention and preventon guidelines
  • ethical considerations: confidentiality of fundings and records, informed consent

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 楼主| 发表于 11-8-2020 11:51:13 | 只看该作者
Sattler, J.M 2014, Foundations of Behavioral, Social and Clinical Assessment of Children 6 edi.  


chap.2 a primer on statistics & psychometrics
  • the why of psychological meassurement & staticitics
  • scales of measurement: norminal -> ordinal -> interval -> ratio
  • descriptive statisitics: central tendency (mean/median/mode)
  • dispersion: range/variance/standard deviation
  • normal curve
  • correlation: types of correlation coefficients & interpretion
  • regression: equation/standard error of estimate
  • norm-referenced measurement: representativeness, group size, relevance
  • derived scores: standard/percentile ranks/age-equivalent&grade-equivalent(AE/GE)/relationships among them
  • inferential statistics: stitistical significance/effect size
  • reliability: theory, coefficients, interater, affecting factors, standard error, confidence intervals, generalisaability theory
  • validity: content, face (on the face of it=looks valid), construct, criterion-related, predictive power, affecting factors, judgement
  • meta-analysis


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 楼主| 发表于 11-8-2020 12:39:32 | 只看该作者
Salvia, J, Ysseldyke, E., & Witmer, S 2017, Assessment in special & inclusive education 13th edi.
chap.13 test evaluation
  • content appropriate: instruction match, the age of the test = generally disregards 15 years old publishing
  • students individual situation: same age/grade, physical/sensory handicaps, diverse language&culture background
  • procedures: special training, specific license/credential
  • technically aadequate:
  • evaluation process: materials/specify characteristics/review--> purpose/content/scores/norms/reliability/validity/summative evaluation

Frick, P, Barry, C, Kamphaus, R 2010, Clinical assess. of child & adole. personality and behav. 3rd edi.
  • termnology & historical trends
  • issues of defining personality test, scores, norms, distributions, reliability ..
  • classification and developmental psychopaathology
  • standards & fairness (ethical principles)
  • referral questions/evaluation/rapport buiding
  • self-report inventories; parent&teacher rating; behavioral observation; peer-referenceed; projective techniques; structured diagnostic interviews; family context; history taking; social scales??
  • intergrating/interpreting; report writing; attension deficit hyperactivity&disruptive behaviour disorders; depression&anxiety; ASD

Dematteo, F. J. 2021, delivering ... evaluation results to parents
  • federal regulations on professional ethics (principles & code of conduct) ; literature review
  • human learning
  • meetings with parents & ..
  • prerequisite skills & utilising the Feedback Model: ...


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 No wonder ur English is soooo amazing!



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 楼主| 发表于 12-8-2020 17:46:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 12-8-2020 17:45 编辑

Vernon Zunker 2008,
chap.2 an overview on the field theories
  • started in the early 1900s (Frank Parsons 1909?) for matching & successful, 1950s expanded to human developmental issues, 1970s .. optimal career choice
  • go about each theory by: basic approaches + assumptions
  • trait-oriented theories: 1) trait-and-factor theory, 2) persoon-environment correspondennce counselling, 3) John Holland's typology
  • social learning & cognitive theories: 1) Krumboltz's learning theory of career choice 2) career development from a cognitive information-processing perspective 3) social cognitive career theory
  • developmental theories: 1) lifespan, life-space approach 2) circumscription, compromise, and creation: a developmental theory of occupational aspirations
  • person-in-environment theory: career construction: a developmentaal theory of vocational behavior

Brown, career development and counselling: putting theory and research to work
chap. 9 Holland's theeory of personalities in work environments by Spokane et al.
  • background: 'searching' aspects of person-environment fit for vocational choices
  • a practical model of person-environment interaction: disposition of an individual worker
  • formal stantement of the theory, Holland 1997,p.4: 6 personality types, 6 model envrionments (realistic/investigative/artistic/sociaal/enterprising/conventional)
  • people interacting with work environment (reinforcing&satisfying, incoggruent)
  • the family of inventories and diagnostic measures associated with the Holland Model: SDS=self-administered=self-scored
  • Empirical research on Holland's theory, on 6 types, relationship between congruence and vocational outcomes, ... validity
  • a culture-centered, person-environment approach


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 太赞了



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 楼主| 发表于 13-8-2020 15:36:34 | 只看该作者
Beaton, G 2010 Why professionalism is still relevant
  • the meaning of professionalism
classic 'learned' professions = divinity, law, medicine = the trinity of the professions ----> training/testing/guild=payment/tribute
what distinguishing features constitue professionaalism, by which differ from a trade/craft
professionalism is not only a skills set in a given occupation; it is an ineffable something...
  • the proliferation of professionalism
Professional originally meant to come out of & continue to be part of the elite - this's no longer the case/professionalism is no longer the property of elites
Professionals today balance their power with their knowledge for the public good=aadhere to ethics/an oath/code of ethics
  • profeesionalism's interface with society
Professions are interest groups tending to seek their own interests first. When a profession's viewpoint supersedes the public interest, it'll lose its power, prestige and, ultimately, its profits if its fauty outlook is not corrected.
  • professionalism, globalisation and the future
the proliferation of professionalism is the outcome of democratisation of knowledge delivery/access to specialised knowledge can be democratised
If the professions indeed become dominated by... - or by... - independence of thought and conscience may be irrevocably lost


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
annahw + 50 加油



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 楼主| 发表于 17-8-2020 21:35:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 18-8-2020 12:36 编辑

Groth-Marnat, G & Wright, J 2016, Handbook of Psychological Assessment 6th edi.  ------ an old school
  • intro: role, patterns of test, evaluating, vaalidity, judgment, phases
  • context: types of referral, ethicals issues, assessing groups, test selecting,
  • interview: history, reliability & validity, ... interpreting data
  • behavioral assessment: history, issues related to reliability and validity ...
  • Wechsler (Intelligence Scale, Memory Scale); Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory; Millon clinical multiaxial inventory; NE0; the Rorschach ...
  • screening for neuropsychological impairment ...
  • ..
  • the psychological report

Gartland et al.,2011, Development of a multi-dimensinal measure of resilience in aadolescents: the adolescent resilience questionnaire
  • background: history/development, introspection & reflection, social skills=interpersonal beehaviours (geeneral & empathy), optimism/positive future expectations, problem solving
  • methods: how participants weere recruited, ethics approval, subgroups, materials (questionnares set up)
  • analysis: on item, scale
  • results: study 1 on pilot testing of arq _ participants; analysis; study 2 revision of .. participants, analysis
  • discussion: while the literature around the concept of resilience is increasing, there have been few attempts to aynthesise current research findings into useful measuremeent tools. The newly ... is ...
  • conclusion: the ARQ was developed in response to a distinct lack of ..

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 楼主| 发表于 22-8-2020 20:44:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 25-8-2020 13:16 编辑

The book of life published in 1921, written by Sinclair, Upton at the age of 42, died in 1968 aged 90(a text accompanied by audio files at LibVox)

  • what we know about life, faith, reasoning, morality, nature, moderation, mind and body, subconscioous, immorality, survival
  • body, diet, food & health, work, cure, fast, diseases
  • chap.xix 19: as people are different from one another, pay attention to oneself on what to eat. All artificial and refined food, candy, cake, package goods, are poison. Enjoy the natural flavors of simply cooked foods. Artifical mixing of foods to tempt people's palates is one of the principal cuases of overeating, and therefore of ill health, and therefore of the ultimate destruction of the pleassures of life. .. recommending to people that they should seek the higher pleasures of the intellect, not ...

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National Center for Biotechnoloogy Information /// U.S. National Library of Medicine

Kinsey, A.W & Irnsbee, M 2015 The Health Impact of Nighttime Eating: Old and New Perspectives
  • .
  • .
  • .

International Journal of General Medicine "walking just after a meal/not waiting for 1hr --> more effective to consume colories"
  • walk for 30min straight after lunch and dinner within 1 month
  • result, lost 3kg at briskwalk; 1.5kg at stroll
  • .


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 楼主| 发表于 30-8-2020 09:56:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 15-10-2020 14:42 编辑

Psychological Test Review

an example of reviewing a test
  • purpose of ../ the case of ../ overview (..)/ normative data / standards (reliability & validity) / reviews / strengths & weaknesses / summary / reference list = 17 slides
Chicchetti 1994, guidelines, criteria, and rules of thumb for evaluating normed and standardized assessment instruments in psychology
  • standardisation procedures: systematic stratification on the variables of age, gender, eeducation&occupation, geographic region, urban vs rural place of residencee
  • norming procedures: develop national norms = raw scores are converted into primary derrived scores including stardard scores, national percentile ranks and age equivalents; supplimentary norrms (specific groups); confidence interevals
  • test reliability: internal consistency measured by coefficient alpha; inter-examiner
  • test validity: content related

Hendrickson & McCrimmon 2015, Test Review
  • test description -> measure development
  • administration and scoring
  • technical adequacy (test standardisation, reliability, validity
  • commentary and recommendations

Sherman et al.2011, reliability and validity in neuropsychology (cha.30)
  • reliability in neuropsychology
  • internal reliability
  • test-retest reliability
  • alternate form reliability
  • interrater reliability
  • evaluating a test's reliability
  • limites to reliability, practice effects, and effects of prior exposure
  • validity in neuropsychology
  • vilidity models,
  • evaluaating, content-related evidence/construct-related evidence/criterion-related evidence
  • administering & computing raw scores: testing time/setting&conditions/arragement of materials/establishing rapport/special needs/recording/calculating the chronological age; introducing the test/administering items; other considerations; item sets, start points & the critical range/calculaating the raw score
  • scoring & interpretation: normative scores/GSV scores/converting/graphical profile/errors of measurement/interpreting low raw scors
ppvt4 proforma
  • graphical profile: standard scores, percentile, NCE, stanine, description
  • score summary; recommendation
  • administering items: recording responses and errors, calculating the total numbeer of errors & raw scores
  • overview/purpose/screening/diagonosing/goals/revision
  • test items/adminstration=time/scores/manual/record form/user responsibilities
  • administration/scoring: general testing guidelines/calculating chronological age/total score calculation and intepretation/screening/test follow-up
  • criterion score/pragmatic screening
  • ages 5-8//ages 9-21 total score


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 楼主| 发表于 4-9-2020 00:39:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 4-9-2020 08:53 编辑

Mark Savickas: a history of the guidance profession
  • mentoring in  agricultural communities 1850(second half of 19century=beginning of modernity)/1899, vocational assistance
the feudal system/agricultural collectivism --> industrial individualism; met the needs of the ills of city ///// sense of self=character
  • vocational guidance in industrial cities 1900/1949 = industrial revolution
individuals moved from a homogeneous community to a heterogenous city; Parson coined 'vocational guidance'//// sense of self=personality
  • career counselling in corporate societies 1950/1999 = high modernity /// Super's construct
vocational intervention --> guidance ---> counselling // directive guidance --> non-directive counseelling
Holland RIASEC 6types = stability/fidelity + Super's development =mobilityy/flexibility
  • self-construction in a global economy 2000/2050 = post-modern times
rapidly changing occupational structure // digitalisation, globalisation, migration

Duane Brown 2016 Intro to CD in the global economy and its role in social justice
  • history in the US, the need for career development services
  • the language, like ..., xx, whether they are .., .., or.., have a specilised vocabulary that must be mastered by the neophyte
  • organisations and publications
  • CD in the global economy: outsourcing/offshoring, home sourcing, factors led to globalisation
  • the unflattened worker and social justice
  • the future of work, projections set forth by .. internet impact, population makeup


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 楼主| 发表于 8-9-2020 15:23:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 13-9-2020 23:43 编辑

Gottfredson 1981, circumscription and compromise: a developmental  theory of occupational aspirations
  • the monograph presents a theory of how occupational aspirations develop during the preschool through the college years, stimulated by observations of Super/Holland focus on one aspect of ..; variables such as aspirations including values/interests/sex/intelligence often for granted
  • defines the major constructs/provides a brieef overview of the theory
  • discussion on occupational images development
  • discussion on progressive circumscription of aaspirations
  • discussion on compromises
  • implications for research, theory, and practice

Three-pass method/approach for reading research papers by S. Keshav, Canada
  • beginning graduate students, therefore, must learn on their own using trial and error --> waste much effort
  • general idea about a paper: a quick scan on the title, abstraact and intro, section and subsection headings, and conclusion, ignoring everything else
  • grasp the content but not its details
  • understanding in depth: jot down ideas for your work
three-pass approach in doing a literture review
  • an academic search engine + key words = find 3/5 recent papers in the area
  • find shared citations and repeated author namees in the bibliography = key papers and researchers in thee area
  • then go to their websites to find their recent publications


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 楼主| 发表于 16-9-2020 11:39:40 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 19-9-2020 14:45 编辑

Interviewing for research

University of Leicester
  • summaries: names/places/events/topics + concentrate on providing a clear statement of what is talked about (a subject/topic) in the interview, rather thana detailing oinions or anecdots, = what can be found from the interview not what the interviewee said + brevity and economy of language = leave out prepositions and possessives where possible + Where a distince aspect of a subject is referred to, it's helpful to make that clear in the summary: e.g., 'difficulties of finding work' rather than 'search for work'.
  • face-to-face interviewing catches non-verbal gestures however, transcriptions increase accessibility

RMIT University
  • interviewee's name/date/
  • purpose
  • main points

Krumboltz's HLT
  • open to alternative oppotunities
  • why people behave the way they do: genetic influences; learning experiences (instrumental learning experiences/associative learning experiences); envrionmental conditions and events (parents and caretakers/peer groups/structured educational settings/the imperfect world)
  • fundameantal propositions: take actions for life instead of a single decision-making, stimulate learning skills, engaging exploratory actions, counseling sucess is assessed by outcomes in the real world
  • in practice
  • other educators, futher research (studies of descriptive/correlational/experimeental)


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 楼主| 发表于 24-9-2020 21:57:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 24-9-2020 22:27 编辑

Choate et al. 2016, Using a professional development program (PDP) to enhance undergraduate career development and employabilityRationale for the project:
  • traditional careers and employment prospects for ..; lower employment rate;
  • the need for a pdp in a Bachelor of ... (the goals of the program we developed were: to address assumptions ..; to raise awareness; and to asssist ..in building ..
  • theoretical background to the .. pdp; examples of other ...pdp
  • the need for assessment of the program/the structure of the pdp
Research deisign:
Results: in tables/figures
Limitations and future directions

Formulating undergraduate student expecations for better career development in Sales


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 楼主| 发表于 30-9-2020 12:37:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 3-10-2020 20:42 编辑


Riddle, D. (2007). Brain aging: models, methods, and mechanisms - frontiers in neuroscience

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1834/ U.S. National Library of Medicine


Effective self-management for ECR in ...pdf

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 楼主| 发表于 2-10-2020 18:27:36 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 3-10-2020 12:42 编辑

Gartland et al., 2011, ARQ
  • background
(positive developmental outcomes in=being relatively resistant to=successful adaptation/deveelopement of compeetence=the capacity of dynamic systems to withstand/recover from >>> in the face of adversity/stress=negotiate adversity=psychosocial risk experiencees=high-risk status/chronic stress=significant disturbances)
development of ARQ
introspection & reflection; social skills (general & empathy); optimism/positive future expectations; problem sovling
  • methods & analysis
participants (ARQ-pilot/ARQ-rev1/ARQ-final)
materials: pen and paper
analysis: item analysis, scale analysis
  • results
pilot testing of the ARQ (participants/analysis)
ARQ-rev1 - create a brief functional measure of r (participants/analysis): Table 2 = ARQ scales, example item and reliability score
  • discussion
  • conclusion

Gartland, 2009_a thesis: Resilience in adolescents: the development and preliminary psychometric testing of a new measure
  • intro
  • resilience: origins/rationale of r research, definition, model, meeasurement issues
  • the measurment : preevious approaches, a need for measureement tools, an examination of published measures
  • research: factors of individual, family, peer, school, community
  • focus groups: method/reesults/discussion
  • construction and pilot testing of the measure
  • revision of the ARQ-rev1
  • conclusion: the development of the arq-rev2, summary of its scales, limitations and further psychometric testing; characteristics of it and potential applications
***While differing in .., such .. v. the two common factors necessary for defining ..; firstly the .., and secondly, the ...

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 楼主| 发表于 5-10-2020 14:23:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-10-2020 23:46 编辑

2015, Spanish culturaal context of ARQ
  • background: goals = conduct the first adaptation of ARQ and analyse its suitability for cross-cultural context; in addition to the .. and .., two other pieces of evidence concerning validity are assessed: a) ...; b) ...
  • methods (participants/measures/procedure/data analysis)
  • results
  • discussion
  • strengths, limitations and further research
Brazilian adaption of ARQ
  • evaluation of reliability and validity
Malay version (ARQ Scales=ARQS, 2006)
  • no significant differences found between urban and rual, male and female adolescents
Nepalese context 2019..
guidelines for facilitating .. dev. of . people with ..
  • align effectively with important frameworks
  • meet the needs of clients
  • connect services/agencies/networks=provide ..linkages between services
  • appropriate professional development/professional standards


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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2020 12:42:22 | 只看该作者
Rationale for/from

...: a rationale for implementing the ... approach in tertiary .. courses
  • For several resons, currnt .. seem unviable. ..., ... and ... have led to concerns about ... At the same time, the possibilities opend up by .. are
  • intro
  • collaborative constructivism (takes as its point of departure a collaborative constructivivst theoretical framework. The constructivist paradigm esseentially expounds the view that ... It therisees that .. In short, by this paradigm, ... From these foundations, ...)
  • the ... approach
  • the tertiary .. context
  • considerations
  • closing words

Reframing ...: rationale and key principles from ... Initiative
  • Background
  • the ... Initiative
  • principles for the development of ...: redefinning .., a balanced focus on .., 'core' versus 'specialist' themes, acknowledging ..., transformative learning, assessing .. experiences, questions for further consideration
  • conclusions


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 楼主| 发表于 19-10-2020 15:27:59 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 22-10-2020 15:06 编辑

ppvt4 individual score summary report - Form A (AGE Norms)
  • graphic profile/socre summary
  • diagnostic anaalysis: items 1-216
  • narrative summary: short straightforward description; On ././., . was administered the .. form A. .. was . years and . months old and in .. Year . at the time of testing. Age norms were used to score the administration; .. obtained a .-4 standard score of 94. ..'s receptive vocabulary functioning is in the aveerage rangee.
  • effective interveentions: principles, further two tests in detail, additional sugggested intervention topics and activities; references: learning new words from storybooks-findings from an intervention with ..; vocabulary acquisition from ..
performance of .. on the ppvt4: a comparison of receptive vocabulary
  • purpose:
  • mathod: participants & test tool (ppvt4)
  • results
  • conclu.
counseling psychology
  • in context
  • ****ethics and professional issues
  • **training: needs/case study/be agents of social change
  • school context
  • marginalized communities: partner violence, women with disabilities, racism, homeless mothers, LGB, radical feminist multicultural therapy
  • vocational issues
unconscious barriers

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 楼主| 发表于 1-11-2020 18:39:28 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 12-11-2020 12:46 编辑

from positivist to multiparadigmatic research
  • paradigm wars = raged amongst supporters fiercely -> paradigm dialogue => better meet the emerging ...needs of their rapidly globalising societies
  • the term paradigm needs clarrification.
  • traditional paradigms = positivist paradigm; post positivist paradigm
  • relatively new paradigms = interpretive paradigm, critical paradigm, postmodern paradigm, multi-paradigmatic research
chap. 3: teaching as a research-informed and research-informing profession
  • intro + in closing/concluding comments
  • research and teachers
  • the field of educational research
chap.1: the challenge
  • in the field of education, "everything seems work"
  • so much evidence in the research literature
  • an explanatory story, not a "what works" recipe
  • while we collect evidence, teachers go on teaching


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