本帖最后由 jessvs 于 29-12-2015 19:32 编辑
谢谢分享,我目前刚拿到澳洲的PR,也想换成新西兰的permanent resident visa。
1)新西兰的residet VISA申请permanent resident visa,我看新西兰的移民局官网是这么写的:
Requirements for a permanent resident visa
To be eligible for a permanent resident visa (PRV), the principal applicant in your original residence application must:
• hold a resident visa, or have held one in the last three months
• hold, or have held, that resident visa for at least two years continuously
• have met any conditions that your resident visa was subject to under section 49(1) of the Immigration Act
• meet relevant character requirements, and
• have met one of five commitment to New Zealand criteria set out below.
第三点里面要求resident visa要满足49(1)条目,是否新西兰移民局会给澳洲PR加一个condition,要求3个月之内在新西兰找到技术工作?
2)另外,根据新西兰移民官网上的政策,若在新西兰投资100万新币满2年,就可以申请permanent resident visa。
那理论上,我只要登陆新西兰,向西兰移民局申请2年期限的travel traditons,然后再在新西兰投资100万新币满2年。那我相当于可以一直在国内待着,等投资满两年后就可以申请在permanent resident visa吗? 不知道实际可不可行?请问论坛上有没有朋友这么实践过?
Investment in New Zealand
You have been approved residence under the Investor Category and met any conditions imposed under section 49(1) of the Immigration Act 2009, or you obtained residence under another category and maintained an investment of NZ$1,000,000 or more in New Zealand for two years.