In NSW, a minimum of10% of the taxi fleet is required to be fitted with child restraint.
In taxis, children 12 months or older are able to sit in a passenger seat and use a seat belt as long as it is properly fitted and correctly adjusted..
No passenger under the age of 4 years may sit in the front seat; and no passenger under the age of 7 years may sit in the front seat, unless the back seats are also occupied by children under 7 years.
Penalties for passengers not wearing a seatbelt or child restraint in taxis
Taxi drivers are responsible for passengers under 16 years old to be properly restrained in a seatbelt or an approved child restraint. A baby under 12 months must be restrained in an approved child restraint.
Passengers aged 16 years and older travelling in a taxi who do not use an available seatbelt will be fined.