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First of all, I suggest we deliver a stand ovation to HuanYu, who has gone all out to raise awareness to the FreeOzers on what open discussion should be all about in this forum.
It goes without saying that all of us come here to seek comfort, sense of belonging, happiness, and of course, sometimes seek assistance from other FreeOzers. Unfortunately, sometimes, the disputes erupt when people don’t see eye to eye on certain issues. That’s when people’s communication skills are put on serious test.
This is when the democracy has to come to live: Take the matters on the table, so everybody will be able to see it, evaluate it, come to their own conclusion and share their mind if they like.
Most of FreeOzers show their grace to discuss about the issues that confront them, most of the time, issues got resolved with agreement achieved. Sometimes there won’t be any solutions resulted, but all the parties involved at least show they come to peace with respecting each others’ differences. But, occasionally, some FreeOzers go to the extreme trying to get their idea accepted by their opponents, even so desperate that they start badmouthing to the other parties, verbal aggressions or even worse, swearing at the their dissenters. In this situation, the moderators or ZHT have to step in working as a mediator, but, the justice couldn’t be possibly done for all parties involved.
Just as @指纹 put, justice is a relative concept, different parties will draw different conclusions from different angles! So, I would like to make a public appeal: No matter how this solution suits your needs, all of my friends, please keep your composure, keep your perspective, keep your rationality, keep your passion and don’t show your distance! If we love this forum, we love it as a family, we love it to the bits! Even though, sometimes our sisters and brothers have drastically different views on the same issue, we still respect one another, care about one another, look out for one another!
Secondly, I move that we give @ubuntuhk and ZHTs our sincere round of stand ovation, who provide both technical and managerial support to this forum to ensure its full function; who tolerate the criticism from the bystanders while working hard to meet the needs from all walks of FreeOz life.
To be honest, we are well aware that it's a whole lot easier for the bystanders (Me, for example) to pick the bone with someone who is really the doer, because we have no idea how hard it is to steer a big cruise towards the sound direction while the passengers hold the different visions about which direction this ship should be sailing to!
However, being the passengers on the deck, we all are obliged to take responsibilities for this cruise to stay floating. If we are unable to decide on what destination this cruise will take us to, we at least can do our share not to stomp on it!
We are well aware that being a part of the management team in this forum demands a whole lot more than what we ordinary FreeOzers can ever imagine: Passion, caring, knowledge, wisdom, resilience, tolerance and the generosity to make a compromise. To top them all, more touchingly, the motivation to make the sacrifice to the cause you have chosen to commit yourself to, because that's the only cause you have put so much effort in, invested your wisdom on and devoted your knowledge to that won't get you anywhere to raise your social status and won't get you even a penny better off financially.
All you have done are just the volunteering missions, in the meanwhile, you still have to face the questions we might have if there is any possible negligence. If it weren't for passion about this forum, weren't for the joy you could pursue from steering this big cruise, we really wouldn't be able to make any sense out of what you have been doing for this website!
So, we have absolutely looked up to you all and held dearly the wonderful experiences you have brought in to our Ozzy life!
Now, I suggest that the third round stand ovation goes to the general FreeOzers, who haven’t taken a laissez faire attitude towards this dispute! In particular, applause to @welshzh @嘟嘟宝贝 @shyaka @doreadme @webster @Serin @jc2602 @kevin妈妈@幸福妈妈and many others, for speaking up their mind regarding what ground they are standing on, for bringing up their ideas in a rational and reasonable approach. The brilliant arguments they have put forward absolutely have broaden our visions, prompted us all to talk to ourselves in soul-searching level and pull things back to perspective. Personally, I love this dynamic of communication, which pushes us all to think wisely before we are well conscious about what we are talking about!
Even though we can’t agree with one another at all times, we still keep the communication line open and functional. This is really what a huge family is all about, SEEK THE COMMON GOAL WITH RESPECTING THE DISSENT! If anything similar happens in the future, we can still follow this pathway, then, I don’t see any reason why things can’t be sorted out on a reasonable term!
To take a bold guess, I reckon that everybody has, more or less, learned something from this event and how FreeOzers have taken a constructive avenue to deal with it. And I am very positive that all that involved have taken part in this lengthy discussion out of sincerity and love for this forum.
So, thank all of you for showing your care and concerns about how this family should be united even though we came from various backgrounds and have different characteristics. You have demonstrated that we all hold accountability for our own behaviours and obliged to keep this family sound and functional.
Love you all in every sense!
补充内容 (25-10-2014 08:22):
For those of us, who are a bit upset about this depressive turn of event, please don't show your distance! We, especially us, it's crucial to hang around to 监督丫的!Lol |