本帖最后由 husteizzw 于 22-8-2014 14:01 编辑
Coles 只是Wesfarmers 公司的一个超市而已,看看这个Wesfarmers公司简直要把你吓死。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesfarmers
Coles,Home Improvement and Office Supplies,Kmart,Target,Insurance,Resources,Chemicals, Energy & Fertilisers,Industrial and Safety
Other activities
Wesfarmers has a 50% interest in investment house Gresham Partners plus interests in Gresham Private Equity Funds, 50% interest in Wespine, a plantation softwood sawmill at Dardanup, Western Australia and a 24% interest in BWP Trust which mainly owns Bunnings Warehouses tenanted by Bunnings Group Limited.[6]
Other businesses
Wesfarmers has 100% interest in many other subsidiaries across Australia, New Zealand, India, New Caledonia, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Indonesia, China, Bermuda and Singapore. These include BBC Hardware, Coles Ansett Travel, Coles Group Superannuation Fund, Coles Property Management, Comnet, Fosseys, GJ Coles & Coy, Grocery Holdings Pty Ltd, Harris Technology, Howard Smith, Katies Fashions, Loyalty Pacific, Masters Home Improvement New Zealand, Morley Shopping Centre, now.com.au, Theo's Liquor, Tooronga Shopping Centre, Tyremaster, Viking Direct and World 4 Kids.[6]
中国的国家垄断公司和西方的垄断资本公司比那还是差不少哦,人家是一条链什么都涉足。 |