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我的FSC被拒了,261313,4300没了,理由是Our Assessment Panel considers all applicant documentation and ranks each one on the basis of the claims they have made regarding their skills, experience and attributes.
Invitations are only issued to those prospective applicants who achieve the highest rankings, subject to the operation of the occupation ceiling.是不是带点骗子性质,申请MNC的参考吧。
Dear xx
Thank you for registering your Expression of Interest and your nomination of a skilled occupation which you claim fits your skills and qualifications.
Our Assessment Panel considers all applicant documentation and ranks each one on the basis of the claims they have made regarding their skills, experience and attributes.
Invitations are only issued to those prospective applicants who achieve the highest rankings, subject to the operation of the occupation ceiling.
In this instance your application was unsuccessful.
Please note that the decision of the Panel is final and no communication will be entered into.
Kind regards,
Regional Certifying Officer
Tel: 02 4422 9011 Fax: 02 4422 5080
E-mail: rcb@rdafsc.com.au
Postal Address : PO Box 1227 Nowra NSW 2541
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