Hi, i have had this problem a few caroma stylus toilets at home. Though much older models.
This is the washer u need.
Product Information:
Product Type:
Cistern Washers – Outlet
•suits Caroma seating and Dux seating washer
•installation instructions on back of pack
i get them from Bunnings for $3 or $4. They have a few different types but make sure u get the caroma one.
Just pull the old one off, and stretch the new one on. It is a tight fit, and the washer will form sort of a cone shape.
becuase it is so tight i find often it doens't sit square on. Once on, just rotate it a bit, and even put a bit of soapy water on it, just to make sure its in there properly, and centred with a nice cone shape.
put it all back together and give it a few flushes. then it should be sweet.
If no goood, then u will need to replace the entire outlet valve. About $50
http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1464941 |