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本帖最后由 black_zerg 于 30-12-2013 16:42 编辑
shyaka 发表于 30-12-2013 16:15
说到恶心,以前白人也觉得黑皮肤比较 ...
I have explained what I mean by '同性恋会传染', let me know if you need more clarification.
I sincerely feel the homosexual behavior disgusting. I didn't make that up. May be most straight were born that way? As I said, I believe that is a self defense system so most people would not go down the wrong path. Those taboos exists for a reason. Do you feel incest disgusting?
You talked about '歧视' and black people , let me make that clear. If you can prove that gay people are born gay and there is absolutely no way to change it. Say you can test a baby is a gay or not when he is born, and this technology is 100% accurate. I will agree with you 100%.
Without any proof, it is ridiculous to talk like gay is a new race. Can I claim criminals are born that way so they are OK to steal? Especially things come to children, we need to be very cautious since they are so vulnerable.