本帖最后由 hpwan2 于 7-11-2013 09:12 编辑
ubuntuhk 发表于 7-11-2013 03:14
这个club permit有没有什么限制?
W124现在基本处于被鬼佬开到烂直接扔掉的阶段,如果你留意的话,马路上时不时还能看到几辆(包括小一号的W201,也就是第一代C class)。
club permit我也不完全了解,以下抄自Vicroads:
The Victorian club permit scheme allows members of car clubs (including motorcycle, trailer/caravan and machinery clubs) that are recognised by VicRoads to make limited use of historic vehicles on the road network.
A club permit can be issued to the following vehicles in the following categories:
Veteran vehicles – manufactured before 1 January 1919;
Vintage vehicles – manufactured after 31 December 1918 and before 1 January 1931
Classic and Historic vehicles - manufactured after 31 December 1930, but more than 25 years before the date of the application for a club permit.
These categories can include trailers and modified vehicles such as street rods. Vehicles which are replicas of vehicles in the above-mentioned categories may also be issued with a club permit.
Club permits are issued for 12 month periods and vehicles are issued with specific club permit plate(s).
Conditions of use
VicRoads may suspend or cancel a permit if the permit holder fails to comply with the permit conditions or engages in conduct which threatens public safety or undermines the integrity of the permit scheme.
Club Permit vehicles can be used at any time for any purpose other than for the carriage of goods or passengers for hire or reward. Permit holders are not restricted to club sanctioned activities when using their vehicles.
The vehicle that is being driven on a valid Club Permit must be maintained in a manner which ensures that the vehicle is in a 'safe condition' for use on a highway.
A logbook must be carried in the vehicle, or on the rider (in the case of motorcycles), at all times the vehicle is in use. On each day of use, a logbook entry must be made prior to the vehicle being used (unless the vehicle is within 100 metres of the garaged address).
Ensure that the Club Permit number plate(s) and windscreen label as issued by VicRoads are correctly displayed on the vehicle at all times.
Applying for a club permit
To apply for a Club permit you will need to complete a Club Permit Application form together with:
written verification by the club secretary (or person authorised by VicRoads) that the applicant for the club permit is a member of the car club
in the case of a club historic vehicle that is not a street rod, a current certificate of roadworthiness or a letter from a scrutineer authorised by the club, stating that the vehicle is safe for use on the road
in the case an application made in respect of a street rod, that is a vehicle modified in excess of the level prescribed in the Vehicle Standards Information No.8. (VSI8) document [PDF, 279 KB, 8pp.], a Street Rod Inspection certificate issued by any VASS Signatory [DOC. 1113KB, 7pp] authorised to undertake street rod inspections
Club Permit fee - refer to Permits (Club, Rally and Unregistered Vehicle Permits)
If the vehicle is recorded as a ‘Repairable’ Write Off, a Vehicle Identification Validation (VIV) Certificate is required to be issued prior to a Club Permit application being processed.
Once you application has been accepted from VicRoads you will be issued with a:
Club permit certificate to be affixed to the inside cover of the logbook
Windscreen label to assist in identifying vehicles operating with a current permit;
Logbook to record the use of the vehicle over the permit period.
Number Plates (only single number plates are issued to veteran and vintage vehicles, trailers and motorcycles) with the allocated Club Permit number which are only manufactured in a maroon coloured background with white characters.
Renewing and extending a Club Permit
Once you have received the renewal for your Club Permit in the mail, you must:
Provide your Club/Association with the Club Permit Renewal for your vehicle, the Club Secretary (or other authorised official) must sign the renewal to declare that you are a current member of that particular Club/Association.
Attend any VicRoads Customer Service Centre to pay the renewal, or
Mail renewal to VicRoads with a cheque, money order or credit card details
For Club Permit holders who obtain a 45 day permit but later on decide that it is not enough, another 45 day permit may be purchased later on.
This may be done by calling VicRoads on 13 11 71 or attending a VicRoads Customer Service Centre requesting a second 45 day renewal. The Club Secretary (or other authorised official) must also sign this renewal to declare that you are still a current member of that particular clubor association.
Payment can then be made in either of the ways mentioned above.
The Club Permit certificate is to be attached to the nominated page in the Club Permit logbook but only after payment has been processed and the certificate stamped by VicRoads
Club Permit holders will not be able to obtain a permit to drive their vehicle for more than 90 days in each 12 month registration period.
Cancelling a Club Permit
To cancel a Club Permit the permit holder must contact VicRoads with relevant evidence of identity
Refunds are not available for Club Permits once the period for which the permit obtained has commenced.
Number Plates
Club Permit plates have white characters on a maroon background.
When submitting your Club Permit application at any VicRoads Customer Service Centre, in most cases you will receive your number plates on the spot. If you submit your application by mailing it into VicRoads, you will have to wait for the delivery of your number plates.
Custom plates cannot be issued to a vehicle on the Club Permit Scheme.
Find your closest VicRoads Customer Service Centre
Note: Customer Service Centre's do not always carry Veteran plates and do not carry Street Rod plates.
Lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed Number Plates
If a Club Permit number plate is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, a new number plate with the next available sequential number will be issued. To replace Club Permit number plates the permit holder is required to attend a VicRoads Customer Service Centre that has club permit number plates where plates will be given on the spot.
If a permit holder attends a VicRoads Customer Service Centre that does not have Club Permit number plates, the replacement plates will be mailed out.
If one plate requires replacement, the remaining plate must be returned to VicRoads and a new set displaying a new number will be issued.
The original number plate will not be reproduced.
Replacement logbooks
Replacement Club Permit logbooks can be purchased from any VicRoads Customer Service Centre.
Prior to attending VicRoads to purchase a replacement logbook, you must:
Prepare a Statutory Declaration, which must only be lodged by the Club Permit holder, stating the reasons for requesting a replacement logbook and how many entries in the previous logbook had been completed at the time the logbook had been lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen. It is suggested that the VicRoads Statutory Declaration form be used.
Supply a statement signed by the Club Secretary or authorised person of the club of which the permit holder is a financial member must be submitted with the Statutory Declaration.
The statement from the club must:
Indicate that the Club is aware that a statutory declaration supporting a request for a replacement logbook has been made by the permit holder concerned
Certify that the permit holder is a financial member of the Club
Certify that the Club has documented in its records that the permit holder concerned has applied to VicRoads for a replacement logbook along with the date of the Club statement.
Changing the address on a Club Permit
To change the address on your Club Permit you have three options:
Simply visit any VicRoads Customer Service Centre, or
Process your request via fax: (03) 9854 2316, or
Process your request via the mail:
GPO Box 1644
Melbourne, VIC 300
When requesting the change of address on your Club Permit, you must ensure to provide all of the following details; the change will not be accepted if this information is not supplied:
Club Permit number/s
Driver Licence number
Vehicle details (make, body type e.g. Sedan, roadster etc);
Interstate club permit vehicles in Victoria
A person may use a vehicle temporarily in Victoria if it has club registration or a permit issued interstate and is observing the conditions of that club registration or permit.
The vehicle must have third party insurance cover in its home state or Transport Accident cover issued in Victoria.
Victorian club permit vehicles may be considered to be unlicensed in some Australian States or Territories therefore will not be able to be driven on their roads.
Victorian club permit operators wishing to participate in outings interstate should request that the appropriate club officials obtain a permit (if required) from the Registration and Licensing authority in that State or Territory. |