y12345678 发表于 26-9-2013 12:21
原条款的17.1中规定,若客 ...
我觉得最关键的地方是written notice。 以前要转出离开TPG,TPG用户只要给另一公司打个电话就可以了,另一公司会处理用户脱离TPG,以及保留用户电话号码。其实当时从V家转到TPG,也只是给TPG打个电话就行了。
现在TPG要求只打电话不行,必须written notice。我认为这样对用户离开TPG造成了不方便,对TPG有利。
24 September 2013
Dear Customer,
As you are aware, TPG mobile plans are "no contract", by which we mean that there is no extended fixed period during which you must acquire the service.
The terms of supply that you agreed to when you applied for the Service required that you give 14 days notice of termination and that TPG gives you 30 days notice of termination.
By this letter, we give you notice of a variation to clause 17.1 of the Mobile Terms and Conditions so that it reads:
17.1 Either party may terminate a Mobile service by giving at least 7 days written notice to the other party. You must pay for charges for the Service up to the end of the notice period.
This variation will take affect 21 days after the date of this notice.
If you do not agree with the variation, please contact us on 13 14 23 to discuss your concerns.
Kind regards,
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