我的邮寄评估信没有送到,需要重新邮寄一份,填好了“payment_of_standard_administration_fee”form,和 Statutory Declaration(找了国内的警察签字)。邮寄过去后1星期后收到扣款通知,但是assessment officer给我说我的Statutory Declaration signed by policeman is not acceptable.我在网上找了很多Statutory Declaration的资料。发现国外很多人可以签字作数,中国只有去领事馆做才行。但是在中国也可以做类似的“Chinese Statutory Declaration Equivalence”。这个就比较方便了,个人写好声明去公证处工证就可以,为了保险起见,我又写信过去要求样本。还好,officer还算nice。给我我一个模板。现贡献给大家,按照这个模板去公证处公证和翻译就可以了。
Declarant: XXXX, male, born on Xxx
ID card No.XXXX。
Since I have not received the Migration skills Assessment Result Letter from Engineers Australia until now,
I would like to apply for a duplicate of my assessment letter again. And I hereby declare that I have lodged
an EOI to Australian Government for the migration purpose without the aforesaid assessment letter, but I
would like to use the assessment letter to lodge a permanent residency migration application in the future.
I confirm the above is true and faithful and I shall bear any legal responsibility arising from any falsehood.