本帖最后由 yping88 于 15-9-2013 05:46 编辑
No, hang on, I feel like we all have been gently (温柔地) misled into the wild world of @dcxg 's
Otherwise, why else all of sudden (要不还有别的原因让我突然一下), I started bragging about my failure academic past, which I had been trying so hard to hide from the public?
Now, I feel like I couldn't give a rats any more (半点儿也不在乎了). What's more shameful of me is that I feel the desire to go back telling those who failed me: How could I soar with the eagles when I was surrounded by the turkeys (我那时混迹于一群火鸡之中,怎么可能像雄鹰那样翱翔呢?).
Am I all of sudden stopping making any sense? Could I still tell the right from wrong (还明辨是非吧)?
I start waking up from the trap @dcxg has led us all into at this moment! He subtly (巧妙地) switches to a tricky approach and successfully kidnapped all of us to his gentle trap (温柔陷阱)!
A very well done to you, @dcxg