本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 6-9-2013 15:08 编辑
newozer 发表于 6-9-2013 13:29
这是她于28-05-2013 16:01 在英语帖里发表的。
To recall back to the day, I was still taken aback by how boldly brave I was towards her and how unjustified some of my remarks were. When I told her "I don't care how you always talk to others, it's not acceptable to me", "Please mind your manners", I had gone too far to show my manners.
It's so not me, so many memories just keep rushing back to me as that 就像一个长工找到新地主,告诉他,爷之所以迁移到这里, 就是因为爷在自己那片地儿上受够了气,才来的. 不图别的, 就因为你向爷宣传你这片地儿上兴 fair work, fair go. 既然爷已经来了,也不在乎出多少力,你还想跟爷训话象天朝似的.免了吧, 您! 爷不管你是啥样的性格, 爷来到你这一亩三分地儿上, 一心想的是好好扛活, 但是,不想再无缘无故地 bei 呵斥. 所以,你还真得, 是龙你得盤着, 是虎你得卧着 (I know pretty well that it should be the other way around).
现在, 俺明白了俺娘为啥说俺是个二百五, I guess she had a point. 曾经后悔自己的失态,想着给她说个软话来着,But was held back by the thoughts: What's done is done, there's no point crying over the spilled milk. We should both move on and we did, then we got along just fine, both pretended nothing had ever happened.
嘿嘿嘿嘿, 只想搏你们一乐!
Witness: @newozer you saw this before, didn't you? |