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MICHELLE07 发表于 31-7-2013 09:13
Centrelink 需要知道报税结果,如果报了税或者通知了Non-lodgement,他们从ATO那里自到信息。
似乎电话告 ...
http://www.ato.gov.au/Individual ... dent-relative-2012/
T10 - Dependent relative 2012
T10 image from Tax return for individuals (supplementary section)
You may be entitled to a tax offset if you maintained a dependent relative who is your:
* invalid spouse
* carer spouse
* invalid relative (child, brother or sister 16 years old or older) or your spouse's invalid relative
* parent, or spouse's parent.
Did you maintain one or more of the relatives listed above?
This information may not apply to the current year. Check the content carefully to ensure it is applicable to your circumstances.
End of attention
* Go to question T11 - Landcare and water facility, or
* return to main menu Individual tax return instructions
Read below.
You need to know
Before you complete this item, you need to read Adjusted taxable income (ATI) for you and your dependants.
You cannot claim this tax offset if the dependant was a foreign resident for tax purposes for all of 2011-12.
If you maintained an invalid spouse or carer spouse
You cannot claim this tax offset for them if:
* your ATI for 2011-12 was more than $150,000, or
* you maintained your spouse for the whole year and their ATI for 2011-12 was $9,702 or more, or
* you can claim for them as a dependent spouse at item T1 - Spouse (without dependent child or student), child-housekeeper or housekeeper for the same period.
Your claim will be reduced for any period that you, or your spouse during any period they were your spouse, were:
* eligible for Family Tax Benefit (Part B), or
* receiving parental leave pay.
You can only claim for your spouse as an invalid spouse or a carer spouse, not both.
If you maintained your or your spouse's parent or invalid relative
You cannot claim this tax offset for them if:
* your ATI for 2011-12 was more than $150,000, or
* you had a spouse for all of 2011-12 and the combined ATI of you and your spouse was more than $150,000, or
* you had a spouse for only part of the year and the sum of the following is more than $150,000
o your ATI
o your spouse's ATI for 2011-12 multiplied by the number of days they were your spouse divided by 366 or
* you maintained the dependant for the whole year and their ATI for 2011-12 was:
o $3,738 or more for an invalid relative
o $7,186 or more for a parent.
How much can you claim for each dependent relative?
The maximum amount of offset available for each dependent relative is:
* $2,355 for an invalid or carer spouse
* $864 for each invalid relative
* $1,726 for each parent
Your tax offset is reduced if:
* your dependant's ATI for the period you are claiming the tax offset was $286 or more
* you maintained your dependant for only part of the year
* another person helped to maintain your dependant, or
* your dependant was an Australian resident for tax purposes for only part of the year.
Completing this item
To complete this item you need to know each dependant's ATI for the period you are claiming the tax offset for them.
To work out your dependent relative tax offset for a full year or part of the year, you can use the dependent relative tax offset calculator. Complete the calculator for each dependant, add the totals if necessary and go to step 5.