我问过职业评估机构了,他们的回复是如果the educational requirement is not met, it is likely that she will be assessed as "Not Suitable" for migration.并不是学位分而已。如果只是学位分,那不拿情况也不大。所以想问chingwu,如果专门的职业评估机构给的是not suitable,可以转而求VETSASSESS评估么?
LZ,说一下我的情况,我和我太太都在新加坡。她雅思8,提名职业是management accounting,8年工作经验,MNC,学位是985的应用数学。评估机构为ICAA或IPA,本科课程里面没有规定的4门compulsory,所以特地就这事问了ICAA和IPA,回复是If the educational requirement is not met, it is likely that she will be assessed as "Not Suitable" for migration.
然后我看了移民官网上有一段写着,'if the relevant assessment authority could not give an opinion on the applicant's assessment, the applicant might come to VETASSESS for an opinion' (大致意思)。
各位兄弟姐妹,就certify 的问题,我来回馈大家。刚收到VETASSESS的回复,和大家分享下,内容如下:
If you are in China, it is suggested that you have your documents notarised by a local Public Notary Office.
If your documents are certified by someone who is authorised to certify documents in your country, you need to provide the details of the certifier such as copy of the professional licence; employment details and contact details.
至于employment details,我还在进一步询问中。
3、看了楼主列出的可certified人员列表,又看了下面一个同学得到的VET的回复,我理解就是国内这些职业的人员也可以,但要详细的个人信息和工作信息。其中一项是a member of the police force,想请问我找一位咱们国内的人民警察(普通警员)是不是就可以,还是必须要警长或有高级头衔的?
6、在网上填表时,一项是填写中学信息Secondary School,其中一项是“Number of years “不知这个是指学制,也就是初中加高中一共应该6年,还是指实际上了多少年,因为我高中休学一年,所以实际中学上了7年。
7、还有一个就是学历评估寄送地址,看楼主写的应该是原件寄送给VET,以便于接下来的职业评估,那在填表时address for posting report这一项应该怎么填呢?直接选organisation selected这项吗?
在填写学历评估在线申请时候,有一个选项“Please select the postage type below based on how many addresses you want to send the documents”,是不是最好选择Express Courier,就是能查询的邮寄方式。但这又和问题中的“how many addresses”有什么关系呢?
但是您回答楼上小小菲的问题 “7、还有一个就是学历评估寄送地址,看楼主写的应该是原件寄送给VET,以便于接下来的职业评估,那在填表时address for posting report这一项应该怎么填呢?直接选organisation selected这项吗?” 的时候,答案是“address for posting report是自己的地址”。