3号收到了SRGO一封道歉信,信中说申请太多,会推迟什么的,不知道什么状况会推迟多就,特来问一下。还有就是,从9月13日签收算起,到现在应该是第十三周了!!!内容如下:I am writing in relation to your recent Skills Assessment application to VETASSESS. Unfortunately, we have experienced an extremely high application rate over the last six months which has caused an unusual delay in our processing times. Currently an application, with all the required documentation, requires 10 to 12 weeks for completion. We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that this delay is causing you and wish to assure you that we are taking a number of steps to reduce the processing time and to ensure that our completion rates are back to normal early in 2014.
If you have an urgency request for faster processing due to a DIBP deadline (approaching significant birthday or visa expiry), please complete the Urgency Request form (SRGO5) available on our website and email to migrate@vetassess.com.au. Please note that all urgent requests require manager's approval and must be supported by evidence of urgency.
We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter and request that you contact migrate@vetassess.com.au for any enquiries.