我们是一家四口:老公是full time 学生和part time 打工,我,,女儿3岁和儿子19个月,需要2个儿童车座。
用途:主要的用途是老公的part time工需要车子(想再接多一些工)和偶尔一家人出游或购物。
预算:$6500 ( 先谢谢提意买新车的朋友,我们是真的买不起)
意愿:想买一辆省油,年房不太高,Auto,容易卖出也不亏很多 (因为是student visa holder,余下的资金不多也不知道可以留多久)
what the fucking Australia prices, just heard from someone that you could get a car rent for $50/MON ...
Thanks for your time & suggestion.in fact, the prices for the car overhere is consider reasonable.
If you don't mind , could you please provide more information about the deal ( car rent $50/m which is told by someone) .
Will appreciate your effort .