本帖最后由 ozlion 于 21-6-2013 14:56 编辑
About written off:
It basically means his car is beyond repair and it'd be cheaper to replace it than to repair the car.
more detail:
"The term write-off describes a reduction in recognized value. In accounting terminology, it refers to recognition of the reduced or zero value of an asset. In income tax statements, it refers to a reduction of taxable income as recognition of certain expenses required to produce the income. Write-off is also used in vehicle insurance to describe a vehicle which is cheaper to replace than to repair, sometimes known as being "totaled" (a total write-off)."
看来如果一个车被认为written-off,就是不值得一修了, 修理的费用比车本身的价值还高, 划不来去修
那么, 按此来讲, 如果一个车被标为written-off的话, 肯定是通不过RWC的检查了
只有车的大部件严重损坏了才会需要很高的修理费用, 这个显然应该过不了RWC的 |