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发表于 16-5-2013 11:55:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Conveyancer / solicitor
Solicitors and conveyancers – what’s the difference [60]
Conveyancer / solicitor有什么区别?是否可以DIY?

I used to think those two terms (solicitor and conveyancer) mean the same, but they really are quite different. The difference is in what those lawyers can and cannot do and even in what they charge you for their services.
Every time a property changes hands the process is called conveyancing. The transfer from one owner to another has to be done in a certain legal way, you can do it yourself or with help of either solicitor or conveyancer.
If you do the transfer yourself, all you need is a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) conveyancing kit. You can purchase one online via several websites, such as diyconveyancingkits.com.au or legalkits.com.au.
If you decide to get a lawyer, who do you get, solicitor or conveyancer? Basically, the difference is that conveyancer can only give you legal advice about the property, whereas solicitor can advise you about the property and many other legal matters, such as tax matters, inheritance, etc. NSW Fair Trading website explains the difference between solicitors and conveyancers really well on this page.
In the terms of money they charge for their services, conveyancers are cheaper ($500 – $1000) and solicitors are dearer ($500 – $1500). And, of course, the cheapest option available is DIY conveyancing, really – about 90$ for a kit.

Conveyance / solicitor 从买房者手中拿佣金,全身心偏向于买家,但是也有例外。
如果你请了Conveyance / solicitor,那么就是一锤子买卖,无论是卖家中途不想买了,还是中途你不想买了,或是他的服务太差你要把他Fire掉,你都要给他全额的佣金。这也导致了很多的Conveyance / solicitor只是将力气花在争取客户,但是又不好好对客户负责的问题。

       在论坛上最被诟病的就是有急事根本就打不通Conveyance / solicitor的电话,甚至有些Conveyance / solicitor基本不知道看买家提供的法律文档,直到出了问题才开始慢吞吞的找对策。

         一个好的Conveyance / solicitor,不是取决于他经验有多丰富,而是他对你的case是否上心。比如一个经验丰富的Conveyance / solicitor要同时处理50个case,而一个刚入行的Conveyance / solicitor同时处理5个case,很显然,你可以其他从后者哪里得到更好的服务,至少接听你电话的概率要比前者高出很多。
       最好不要用Broker推荐的Conveyance / solicitor,同样也不要用Conveyance / solicitor推荐的Broker。因为Conveyance / solicitor和Broker有不同的利益倾向,如果他们两个很熟,那么他们就有共同的利益。比如我的Conveyance / solicitor是Broker介绍的,当我需要Finance rejection letter,而Broker又拒绝提供时,Conveyance / solicitor就不会建议我换Broker,或让我自己去随便找一家银行的Branch自己申请。尽管他知道有很多办法,但是因为这些办法有可能损坏Broker的利益,所以他不会告诉我。我的Conveyance / solicitor最后的建议:“Our only hope is the solicitor of the vendor won’t ask for the rejection letter.”

      千万不要用Agent推荐的Broker和Conveyance / solicitor,如果你在Agent 所在的中介公司买房子,同用这个Agent推荐的Broker和Conveyance / solicitor,那么就等于引狼入室。即使你买房的中介公司是另外一家,也难保他们三者互不相识。
如果你使用Agent推荐的inspector+conveyancer/solicitor + broker,那么你就真的麻烦了,除非这个房子很好,一点问题都没有,不然你一个人,需要对付 Agent+inspector+conveyancer/solicitor + broker+Vendor,想想就可怕

本来Conveyance / solicitor尽全力保护Buyer的利益,但是也有一些脑残Conveyance / solicitor吃里扒外,令人不解:
Conveyance / solicitor居然建议Buyer不要加Special condition [19]
Question: 看到论坛里很多人说一定要将subject to finance and building/pest inspections加入买房合同。这样如果贷款或inspection出现什么问题能终止合同并拿回定金。但今天我的律师告诉我,卖方一般会拒绝加入这一条的。他做了十几年律师没有一个加了这条。他说在冷静期可以终止合同但一般定金拿不回来,除非对方存在法律方面的漏洞。真的是这样吗?请问大家是不是在合同里都加了这条啊?谢谢[19]
Answer: 如果在签合同之前没有拿到finance approval,一定要加subject to finance。是否加Pest和building inspection是抢房成功率和买到烂房率之间的平衡,如果真喜欢这房子,但是有不想在contract上加pest/building inspection,可以在sign your signature on the contract之前做inspection。相比于买烂房子再花上几万$的维修费用,这几百$的inspection费用简直是九牛一毛。


[ 本帖最后由 melnotes 于 16-5-2013 10:59 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 16-5-2013 12:25:18 | 只看该作者
那要怎么找合适的Conveyance / solicitor呢?
我在悉尼,有没有好的Conveyance / solicitor推荐?

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