政策说得有点含糊 但是并不矛盾 You will be automatically issued a Health Care Card if you are residing in Australia and you get any of these payments:
Newstart Allowance
Sickness Allowance
Youth Allowance (job seekers only)
Partner Allowance
Parenting Payment (partnered)
Widow Allowance
Special Benefit
Carer Payment for short-term or episodic care under six months
Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payment for farmers
Family Tax Benefit Part A (maximum rate only)
Mobility Allowance (if you are not receiving Disability Support Pension)
Carer Allowance (caring for a child under 16 years) (the Health Care Card is for the child in your care only)
能够领取Family Tax Benefit Part A (maximum rate only)的可以立马获得HCC卡(见以下)
For each child aged Maximum rate of Part A per fortnight
0-12 years $176.82
13-19 years $230.02
0-19 years in an approved care organisation $56.70
能够领取Family Tax Benefit Part A的新移民的前提条件是要有小孩,但是如果家庭年收入大于$50,151
便不能领到Family Tax Benefit Part A的maximum rate,那么就不能立马获得HCC卡
至于政策为什么说HCC有两年等待期,主要是针对其他,比如Youth Allowance都有两年等待期
但是对于符合Family Tax Benefit Part A (maximum rate only)条件的是无须两年等待期的
因为Family Tax Benefit Part A对于有小孩家庭是无须两年等待期的。