
楼主 |
发表于 19-2-2013 18:01:43
My heart is like pounding right now.
We have all the camera, we have all the footage(?).
Let me explain the situation. So, We thought our flight to singapore, Malaysia and Hongkong was literally tomorrow at this time. It is currently 12:10, we have literally less than two hours. We just really behind the schedule and need to make it(?). It's not a good start. We make it.
So, you fly to Singapore? Yes, we fly to Singapore. We did it. O, my god.
Welcome back to L.A. I've been so man. Like this? the art? Elevators? Yes...We got to figure out where are we.
So, we are right here in Singapore. Say hi to people. Five minutes ago, it was totally dry. Now, it's falling. It's very humildity...(?)
It's hot, dry my hair. Fingers cross.
Interview is really quick, but we got some lovely people here. Let's dance for a momentum.
Let's see we can make Rayn laugh. That's it. Just open it. So, this is the information chicken and rise every body is talking here. This's when you put the music open, really happy. Taste like shi...It's good.
We love you, Rayan in Singapore.
Just body guard for D-Trix. So, I guess they want me to dance. I guess so. Thank you Singapore. We are way out to Malaysia.
Hi, guys. I'm Rayan, how's doing. Every night I have a quack on A tv. Every night. It's really strong. It's not bad. LOL. We are just now leaving Malaysia to HongKong. We get a bunch of new staff. New staff and then.
We are now in HongKong. It's a crazy, crazy place. Full of suprise. Just in everybody's waving. We are in transaction of this video. Delivery McDonald? OK, that's show. Let's kill him, man.
So, no one come to our HongKong show tonight. Just have to my magic clap. Never mind, it seems doesn't work. We love you Rayan, from HongKong. We are now in HongKong and in dressing room. We are a little bore, so we get to have a little fun. goo times.
But we are going home. I'm coming home. |