
楼主 |
发表于 9-2-2013 18:55:01
已经翻译好! 不知翻译的怎样, 大家帮参考一下!
On January (xx), 2013, I had my car sliding window installed at the company (xxx) on the morning and on that afternoon, I paid $ 250 on their request, but I was very dissatisfied with their work and attitude.
On the next day, I consulted other car windows installation professionals and got to know that that company did do bad job. I went back to them for negotiation: 1. The iron board that they have used is too large and the door frame that they have cut is not straight but wavy. 2. My sliding door has got very ugly with lots of scratch marks as a result of their improper operation - I suspect that they cut with Grinders, causing splashing on the car body. My car is very new but now it looks as if it just experienced an accident and has depreciates in value.
However, when I made the negotiation as the above, they said they had nothing else to do as they didn't charge very much.
I would like to resolve this by having them install another new car door or pay compensation. Enclosed please find a copy of my car photo and receipt(汽車購買日期和維修公司收款證明) for your reference.
Your response by (date) will be appreciated. I can be reached at (你的手機號碼,住址或email).
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. |