至于离家走路能到的 Fountain Gate PS,就放弃了,邻居的老婆是小学老师,他说: this school has many struggling families, even has a full time welfare officer (meaning lots of families live on social securities)
终于见识了所谓的“精神折磨法”,问了 N 多问题,N 多细节,目的就是折磨你,摧毁你的意志,让你崩溃,最后大喊“我不要福利了行不行,别问了 !!!”
碰到我老人家,没那么容易,我并不是要骗福利,只是申请应该得到的,所以我也来一招乾坤大挪移: i have 2 school-age kids, and a wife who is looking after the kids full time, as such pls tell me, that by law, what benefits would i be able to receive from Centrelink?