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Battle for marriage laws
DAVID KILLICK | August 15, 2012 12.01am
http://www.themercury.com.au/art ... _tasmania-news.html
FORMER Liberal senator Guy Barnett has appealed to the federal Attorney-General to block Tasmania's bid to allow same-sex marriage.
前自由党议员Guy Barnett呼吁联邦常务立法行动起来阻止塔斯马尼亚修改婚姻法。
Mr Barnett, who is now a Launceston lawyer and consultant, has written to Nicola Roxon MP asking for federal intervention.
如今已经是一家大公司的律师的Barnett,写信给MP Nicola Roxon,是需要联邦政府介入的时候了。
He says he wants to see that federal marriage laws are protected and remain consistent across the nation.
"The Federal Government has a responsibility to uphold and protect federal law," he said.
"The reason federal members of Parliament are currently debating legalising same-sex marriage is because marriage is a matter for Federal Parliament.
"Premier Lara Giddings publicly stated that she had strong legal advice also confirming this position less than 12 months ago."
Mr Barnett said having different marriage laws in different states would cause "untold confusion".
"Section 109 of the Constitution provides that if there is any inconsistency between federal and state laws, federal laws prevail.
"This matter is clearly heading to the High Court and the federal Attorney-General can, and should step in.
"Marriage is a bedrock institution that for thousands of years has been between a man and a woman," he said.
"It is a pro-child institution that ensures that children entering the world have a reasonable expectation of both a mother and a father."
Premier Lara Giddings has announced Tasmania will seek to become the first Australian state to pass laws in favour of same-sex marriage, with legislation expected to be presented to Parliament before the end of this year.
塔斯马尼亚州长 Lara 宣布塔斯马尼亚即将想办法在今年年底以前,立法成为全澳第一个承认同性婚姻的州。
Ms Giddings says she has legal advice from a number of sources that says the state can pass such laws, because the Federal Marriage Act legislates only for heterosexual relationships.
killickd@news.net.au |