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Fewer men than women support gay marriage: poll
A new poll shows broad support for gay marriage to be legal in Australia, but women are more strongly in favour than men. Source: News Limited
A NEW opinion poll suggests almost two-thirds of Australians support same-sex marriage but there's a clear gender divide with men generally less keen on the idea than women.
The survey, released on Monday, comes just days after the Tasmanian government announced plans to legalise gay marriage.
The Galaxy poll shows 64 per cent of people believe same-sex couples should be allowed to marry - up two percentage points from February.
But only 58 per cent of men back changing the law compared with 70 per cent of women.
The poll was commissioned by lobby group Australian Marriage Equality.
"Support for marriage equality has risen to its highest point ever because Australians are increasingly realising that marriage equality will strengthen relationships, families and marriage," spokesman Alex Greenwich said in a statement.
Support for gay marriage was highest among Greens voters with 87 per cent backing the move. Some 73 per cent of Labor voters agree same-sex couples should be able to marry but the figure drops to just 52 per cent for coalition voters.
However, the telephone poll of 865 people found that overall 41 per cent of respondents would be more likely to vote for the federal opposition if leader Tony Abbott allowed a conscience vote on the issue.
本底调查还显示,如果反对党领袖 Tony Abbott 允许联合党对同性婚姻进行党内投票的话,41%的人会选择联合党作为下一届政府。
Some 22 per cent would be less likely to vote for the opposition while 32 per cent said it wouldn't impact on their vote one way or the other.
There are two private member's bills before the federal parliament which would change the Marriage Act to allow same-sex couples to wed.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is opposed to reform but Labor MPs will be allowed to vote according to their conscience. Coalition members and senators are expected to toe the party line and vote against the draft laws.
Tasmania could have Australia's first state-based gender-neutral Marriage Act by the end of the year following a decision by the ALP's state conference on the weekend.
塔斯马尼亚极有可能在今年年底成为澳洲第一个州政府承认性别无关婚姻的州,本周末塔斯马尼亚会对此决定进行投票。 |