40 Channel UHF Information
Not all Channels on CB are for everyday use, some have very specific roles and using them may interfere with other legitimate users of the band. Following is a list of UHF CB Channels and their uses
UHF CB Radio does not require users to be licensed, but users are limited to a maximum 5 watts power
Channel: Frequency: Use:
Channel 1 476.425 Duplex - Repeater Output
Channel 2 476.450 Duplex - Repeater Output
Channel 3 476.475 Duplex - Repeater Output
Channel 4 476.500 Duplex - Repeater Output
Channel 5 476.525 Duplex - Repeater Output (Emergency use only)
Channel 6 476.550 Duplex - Repeater Output
Channel 7 476.575 Duplex - Repeater Output
Channel 8 476.600 Duplex - Repeater Output
Channel 9 476.625 Simplex
Channel 10 476.650 Simplex 4WD Drivers - Convoy, Clubs & National Parks
Channel 11 476.675 Simplex Call Channel
Channel 12 476.700 Simplex
Channel 13 476.725 Simplex
Channel 14 476.750 Simplex
Channel 15 476.775 Simplex
Channel 16 476.800 Simplex
Channel 17 476.825 Simplex
Channel 18 476.850 Simplex Caravan & Campers Convoy Channel
Channel 19 476.875 Simplex
Channel 20 476.900 Simplex
Channel 21 476.925 Simplex
Channel 22 476.950 Data Only (No Voice - No Packet)
Channel 23 476.975 Data Only (No Voice - No Packet)
Channel 24 477.000 Simplex
Channel 25 477.025 Simplex
Channel 26 477.050 Simplex
Channel 27 477.075 Simplex
Channel 28 477.100 Simplex
Channel 29 477.125 Simplex Pacific Hwy (NSW) & Bruce Hwy (Qld) Road Channel
Channel 30 477.150 Simplex UHF CB Broadcasts
Channel 31 477.175 Repeater Input
Channel 32 477.200 Repeater Input
Channel 33 477.225 Repeater Input
Channel 34 477.250 Repeater Input
Channel 35 477.275 Repeater Input (Emergency Use Only)
Channel 36 477.300 Repeater Input
Channel 37 477.325 Repeater Input
Channel 38 477.350 Repeater Input
Channel 39 477.375 Simplex
Channel 40 477.400 Simplex Highway Channel
Channels 1 to 8 - Repeater Channels Press the DUPLEX button on your radio to used any available repeaters
Channel 5 & 35 - Emergency use only - Monitored by Volunteers, No general conversations are to take place on this channel
Channels 22 & 23 - Data transmissions only (Excluding Packet)
Channels 31 to 38 - Repeater inputs - Do not use these channels for simplex transmissions as you will interfere with conversations on channels 1 to 8
The Australian Government has legislated that channels 5 & 35 on the UHF CB Band are reserved for emergency use only
As at January 2007 the maximum penalties for the misuse of the legally allocated CB emergency channels are:
• For general misuse - if an individual 2 years imprisonment, otherwise $165,000 (a $220 on-the-spot fine can be issued in minor cases); or
• For interference to an Emergency call - if an individual 5 years imprisonment, otherwise $550,000
80 Channel UHF Information
Channel: Frequency: Use: Channel Spacing:
Channel 1 476.4250 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 2 476.4500 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 3 476.4750 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 4 476.5000 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 5 476.5250 Duplex - Repeater Output (Emergency use only) 12.5 KHz
Channel 6 476.5500 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 7 476.5750 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 8 476.6000 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 9 476.6250 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 10 476.6500 Simplex 4WD Drivers - Convoy, Clubs & National Parks 12.5 KHz
Channel 11 476.6750 Simplex Call Channel 12.5 KHz
Channel 12 476.7000 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 13 476.7250 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 14 476.7500 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 15 476.7750 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 16 476.8000 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 17 476.8250 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 18 476.8500 Simplex Caravan & Campers Convoy Channel 12.5 KHz
Channel 19 476.8750 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 20 476.9000 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 21 476.9250 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 22 476.9500 Data Only (No Voice - No Packet) 25 KHz
Channel 23 476.9750 Data Only (No Voice - No Packet) 25 KHz
Channel 24 477.0000 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 25 477.0250 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 26 477.0500 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 27 477.0750 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 28 477.1000 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 29 477.1250 Simplex Pacific Hwy (NSW) & Bruce Hwy (Qld) Road Channel 12.5 KHz
Channel 30 477.1500 Simplex UHF CB Broadcasts
12.5 KHz
Channel 31 477.1750 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 32 477.2000 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 33 477.2250 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 34 477.2500 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 35 477.2750 Repeater Input (Emergency Use Only) 12.5 KHz
Channel 36 477.3000 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 37 477.3250 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 38 477.3500 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 39 477.3750 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 40 477.4000 Simplex Highway Channel 12.5 KHz
Channel 41 476.4375 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 42 476.4625 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 43 476.4875 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 44 476.5125 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 45 476.5375 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 46 476.5625 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 47 476.5875 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 48 476.6125 Duplex - Repeater Output 12.5 KHz
Channel 49 476.6375 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 50 476.6625 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 51 476.6875 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 52 476.7125 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 53 476.7375 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 54 476.7625 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 55 476.7875 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 56 476.8125 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 57 476.8375 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 58 476.8625 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 59 476.8875 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 60 476.9125 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 61 Reserved for Future Expansion
Channel 62 Reserved for Future Expansion
Channel 63 Reserved for Future Expansion
Channel 64 477.0125 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 65 477.0375 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 66 477.0625 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 67 477.0875 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 68 477.1125 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 69 477.1375 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 70 477.1625 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 71 477.1875 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 72 477.2125 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 73 477.2375 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 74 477.2625 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 75 477.2875 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 76 477.3125 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 77 477.3375 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 78 477.3625 Repeater Input 12.5 KHz
Channel 79 477.3875 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Channel 80 477.4125 Simplex 12.5 KHz
Licenses for Repeater Channels 44 & 45 will not be licensed for an additional 6 to 12 months to allow extra time for owners of Channel 5 Emergency repeaters to upgrade equipment to meet the new standards
Channels 1 to 8 and 41 to 48 - Repeater Channels Press the DUPLEX button on your radio to used any available repeaters
Channel 5 & 35 - Emergency use only - Monitored by Volunteers, No general conversations are to take place on this channel
Channels 22 & 23 - Data transmissions only (Excluding Packet)
Channels 31 to 38 and 71 to 78 - Repeater inputs - Do not use these channels for simplex transmissions as you will interfere with conversations on channels 1 to 8 and 41 to 48
The Australian Government has legislated that channels 5 & 35 on the UHF CB Band are reserved for emergency use only
As at January 2007 the maximum penalties for the misuse of the legally allocated CB emergency channels are:
• For general misuse - if an individual 2 years imprisonment, otherwise $165,000 (a $220 on-the-spot fine can be issued in minor cases); or
• For interference to an Emergency call - if an individual 5 years imprisonment, otherwise $550,000
If you interfere with another persons conversation just select another channel and do not provoke troublemakers that may deliberately search out other people provoke a reaction, Just ignore them remember
請大家遵守CB RADIO使用法規,此回我們使用頻道 18 (40頻道與80頻道都適用),手台有效距離大概僅1KM,加上固定式天線大概可以收到5KM,發射需要看手台瓦數。5W車台的距離大概10-30KM,需要看地形與障礙物,如果有任何問題,歡迎跟帖發問。 |