Thank you, your order has been submitted successfully!
Within 24 hours, you should receive an email acknowledging receipt of your orders.
Should we need to contact you with regard to your order, we will do so using e-mail, fax or phone details supplied in your order.
You will then receive a payment clearance notification within two business days to inform you that Dell has confirmed your order.
Email Address : ANZ_CC_Cust_Serv@Dell.com
What happens next?
Within 24 hours you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your order.
You will receive a payment clearance notification within 2 business days to inform you that Dell has confirmed you order.
Upon receiving payment clearance, track your orders at www.dell.com.au/orderstatus.
Once your order is ready to ship we will email the estimated delivery date of your order
Estimated delivery time does not commence until your payment has been received by us.
Your order will be delivered between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). Someone will need to be at the nominated address to accept and sign for the delivery .
If your order contains non Dell branded products and peripherals (e.g. Logitech keyboard), these products will be delivered separately to your Dell system or printer order |