前期发生过什么事?nothing.排挡位置at P gear. 自动挡车.
车轱辘不是歪着, 方向盘是正的.
无点火声音, 事实上无任何声音.
電瓶(电池)仍然工作, because all lights and radio can be turned on.
换过2司机试过. 都无法启动, 无点火声音.
Today, I have called the manufacturer to arrange a service. My car is still on full warranty. The manufacturer will take care of all cost associated. No idea what went wrong.
Forgot to memtione that this kind situation happened twice before without any warning sign: at 9 months and 15 months also suddenly the car was unable to start; but few minutes later, able to start again. I was told nothing wrong then, and was adviced that don't use E10.