complete the practice test a number of times,
Read the questions carefully and try to have a good look at pics for clues.
don't over-click,
don't overtake
Have a proper nights sleep prior to the test day, and eat a proper breakfast.
- Prior to sound, analyse picture for
o Where am I
o What speed I’m driving at
o What’ on the road (children? Bumps? Hazards? Blindspots like trees or cars where children/ppl can jump out from?)
o Locate Tram lights
o Traffic light colour
o Sign posts
Don't be too trigger happy and respond to hazards as they appear.
The video will not start immediately. There will be a two second window before the blink and sound, and you must make a very quick analysis within this time of the driving situation (where you are, what speed you are going, who you are sharing the road with, and whether there are pedestrians or motorcycles in view).
and just relax!
don't overtake unless it's 100% necessary, most questions will not require you to overtake, and it'll contribute to your percentage.
I had a number of overtaking questions, I did not overtake on any of them following the above advice except the one with the tractor once I was over the hill and could see a clear path!
Do not overtake the Tractor even if the road ahead downhill is clear. The distance between the car and the tractor is unsafe for overtaking.
- Look at lines on road (double/single?)
- Wait till I can see road ahead clearly
- Wait till there is big enough gap
- Safe to overtake (not downhill)
- Wait till not busy
- Look out for kids/ppl jumping out when at cross ways
- Watch TRAM break lights
- Watch STOPPED TRAM letting out old ladies
- Slow down as soon as I can read the sign
- Make sure I’m within speed limit
- Jogger on footpath runs on road
- Small child behind car
- Break when sign appears
- Dust clouds appear below of car infront
- Tram break lights go red
- Car infront breaks
- Traffic light goes yellow (don’t take chance)
- Big turns
- Dirt on road / signs
- Another was in a residential road and you can see two kids on the footpath. You drive past a parked car and see one kid head towards the road, he dissapears behind the car but you know he's going to pop out, you see his head above the bonnet of the parked car and click before he hits the road!
Watch the break lights on the cars in front of you to slow down. The one with the van's break-lights is the clearest to the identify, just wait for it!
I got the tram break lights also, this was difficult because the quality of the computer image so watch closely!
- 30km/h going to T –section slowdown close to the curve.
You need to maintain a safe distance with the vehicle in front. If it is too close (depending on the speed) just slow down as soon as the video starts.
I always slowed down when approaching turns. There was one example where I was close to entering a turn and a car emerged going the opposite direction. I clicked at this prompt.
50 km/hr speed in built area is safe and slow down if brake lights in car front of you pop up, tram brake light is seen(video is very poor , only small dot will appear and need to concentrate a lot),
50km/h in built-up area, then when you approach the slow-down curve (don't know what to call those, but you know, they make you go around in a curve a bit so that you must slow down, like a speed bump), don't click too early though, because you're going at 50km/h, its not too fast.
at 50km/h in built-up, with park cars on both sides, when approaching a pedestrian crossing section (or it looks like one cos there is no sign nor light though, it's a bit weird) there is a blue car travelling in opposite direction, it suddenly breaks in front of the line, I knew there would be a pedestrian appearing soon and voila, a dude shows up on my right, he was hiding behind those damn parked cars on the right. You won't be able to spot him until he shows up after that blue car break, so click right there, you would end up just before the line a bit.
at 70km/h on the far right of the road, there is a car ahead, it goes though some road hole with water, so click to slow down when you see the water splash. I'm sure it was a road hole, not just water on the road, because the car in front kinda dip down and up a bit.
25km/h going to roundabout- this is the one , shouldn't click.
how slow is 25-30mp/h speed and you virtually wouldn’t have to slow further.
1 approaching a round about at 30km/h, so I didn't click, there was no hazard either, no need to slow down.
- a couple 50km/h going straight, no hazard, so don't be too cautious and click when it's not needed.
80km/h in country road there was no hazard/following the car in front and that car did not break.
night ones – one to overtake around a winding road. I didn't to anything because it was to dark and I couldn't see much!
– following bicycle I did not over take. (I got 2 VDO)
Do not overtake the Tractor even if the road ahead downhill is clear. The distance between the car and the tractor is unsafe for overtaking.
there was a question about overtaking where i was behind a slow car.. the car eventually turns left so there is no need to overtake but i clicked when he used left indicator... i was not supposed to click!
at 70km/h on the far right of the road, one car in front. Then there is another white car appearing on your right, wanting to cross over, do not click to slow down because he stop and wait for you. I think it's best to pay attention to the car in front, if you see its break light then you should click. But I saw it kept going and the white car on the right stopping so I didn't click. The video ended when my car went pass it, pheew.
break.80km/h in country road with yellow sign- make sure to wait until you can see the – Green light at intersection no hazard.sign. do not click too early!
traffic lights turning green to orange- be patient and wait for the traffic lights to turn they will!
Follow the van on country road click when see the water come up from the wheels.
80km/h 2ways in country road click when a car coming from another way too close.
country road dust clouds in front of the car appears and road sign is also seen. I clicked before i hit the road sign.
1 travelling in country road, 80km/h, there is a car/van a head, click when you see him signalling for turning.
- a couple country road ones, 80km/h, no hazard.
- a couple country road ones, 80km/h, click to slow down when you are near a T section/ intersection or in one case, there is a car travelling in opposite direction I click to slow down as soon as I realise the road is too damn small for both of us.
the country road one where you must slow down at the slippery road sign
Click when the jogger start heading to the road instead of when they hit the pavement! it is important to see the potential risks!
Click when the little boy beside the road moves to the parking cars.
50km/h follow the car (have one more of vdo similar but that car break ,I clicked)
- Follow the van click when see the dust or the water come up from the wheels.
- 80km/h 2ways in country road click when a car coming from another way close to us.
- 50km/h heading to the narrow road click when the stripe painted start.
Click when see the break light of the trams or cars in front of us.
- Click when see light green change to orange.
- Another was in a residential road and you can see two kids on the footpath. You drive past a parked car and see one kid head towards the road, he dissapears behind the car but you know he's going to pop out, you see his head above the bonnet of the parked car and click before he hits the road!
At intersections wait for all cars to go past and again there is usually a bike or a motorcycle behind, wait for all of them to pass to the left before clicking! note: the back end of the truck can remain in your picture at the time of your click to get the question correct. If you wait a bit longer for the truck to disappear too, then it may tell you that you clicked too late)
At intersection click turn right when vehicle move all but before they left the screen.
Parking at median stripe , do not make u-turn
- Be patient when making Uturns
- At T-sections click move off when have big gab (after the four wheels drive turn left on
our right)
. For right turns always wait till the road ahead is clear, but as soon as clear Click. |