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China’s first LGBT pride festival faces censorship
Two events at the ongoing festival have reportedly been cancelled by the authorities.
The organisers of China's first Gay Pride Festival have been told to cancel two of their events, the BBC web site reported.
The Jun 10 screening of the lesbian-themed Lost in You, a 2006 feature film by China-born director Zhu Yiye was cancelled.
Organised by a group of mostly expatriates who also run Shanghai LGBT,a social group and email list with over 1000 members, the weeklongevent features film screenings, and other social events.
HannahMiller, one of the organisers, told Fridae that the group has notplanned any parades or any events in public spaces, and are well awareof the country’s strict laws on public gatherings.
It appears that the Jun 10 screening of the lesbian-themed Lost in You, a 2006 feature film by China-born director Zhu Yiye was disallowed.
On the same day, the state-run English language China Dailyin an editorial titled 'Pride of tolerance' gave the event a thumbs upsaying it is a “good showcase of the country's social progressalongside the three decades of economic boom.”
“Shanghai Pride2009 should be a source of great encouragement to the tens of millionsof ‘comrades’, as homosexual men and women are called in the Chinesemainland.
The state-run English language China Daily quoted co-organiser TiffanyLemay, an American expatriate, as saying: ""Shanghai Pride is acommunity building exercise. We hope to raise awareness of issuessurrounding homosexuality, raise the visibility of the gay community,help people within our community to come out, and build bridges betweenthe gay and straight communities."
“Meanwhile, the festival, though bereft of the massive street paradethat is a feature of gay and lesbian festivals elsewhere, is alsosending a strong signal to the 1.3 billion Chinese about greateracceptance and tolerance.”
Thereport estimates the population of homosexuals in the country to bebetween 30 and 40 million. Another article highlighted the festival andits organisers in a celebratory tone.
据有关报道,中国的同性恋人口数量有 3-4千万(估计少了!)
Netizens have observed that the festival has not been reported in the Chinese-language press despite the reports in China Daily and international news sites.
TheBBC reported that officials have warned the owners of two venuesplanning to hold a play and a film screening they would face "severeconsequences" if they went ahead.
Organisers also announced –via its official web site - the cancellation of the Open Bar eventscheduled to be held tonight at Shanghai Studio. No reasons were givenfor the cancellation.
Other events including ‘The Big Bash’ onSat, Jun 13, which organisers expect 2,000 people, appear on track.Organisers did not respond in time for this article.
Related articles in China Daily
- Pride of tolerance
- Shanghai hosts first gay pride festival
http://www.fridae.com/newsfeatures/2009/06/11/8451.china-s-first-lgbt-pride-festival-faces-censorship |