Please include the following line in all replies.
Tracking number: GT20070925_0000000XXX
Dear Client,
Thank you for your enquiry about General S ...
我在补料信里写了我要交钱,怎么还在等我的 “evidence for
funcational English for the secondary applicant.“”
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia's
General Skilled Migration programme.
Please be advised your medical examinations have been received by the
Local Clearance Unit.
Your case officer is currently awaiting the finalisation of these medical
examinations. When your case officer has received these results they will
contact you if they require additional information/documents to assist in
the processing of your visa application.
Notes on file also show your case officer is awaiting for the evidence for
funcational English for the secondary applicant.