楼主: x24
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[澳洲英语] 来澳洲半年liao 分享学到的本土英语

发表于 15-5-2013 07:45:23 | 显示全部楼层
Try the following please:
Put all eggs in one basket!
All on the pipe line!
I don't see any reason why not!
I know how to skin a cat!
I know how to snap my fingers!


参与人数 2威望 +44 收起 理由
newozer + 20 你太有才了!
x24 + 24 skin a cat 被你抢了 哈哈



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发表于 15-5-2013 07:48:34 | 显示全部楼层
Let's keep the ball rolling!
Let's rock'n roll!


参与人数 1威望 +24 收起 理由
x24 + 24 Sure. Come on~



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发表于 15-5-2013 15:22:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yping88 于 15-5-2013 07:45 发表
Try the following please:
Put all eggs in one basket! 不要把希望都放在一个人/一处
All on the pipe line! 万事俱备, 只等号令!
I don't see any reason why not! 绝对行啊
I know how to skin a cat! 我知道怎么办!
I know how to snap my fingers!
我知道怎么得到我想要的attention! 出自打响指, 来引起服务员的注意。有贬义的意思。
I know how to wrap someone around my fingers! 我知道怎么让某人围着我转!


参与人数 3威望 +94 收起 理由
x24 + 24 非常好~
newozer + 20 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 不要在一棵树上吊死,哈哈...



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发表于 15-5-2013 15:24:06 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #151 x24 的帖子

Absolutely, and some more to come as well. Thank you for starting this off!


参与人数 3威望 +64 收起 理由
x24 + 24 有强将前来助阵,我方将士倍感欢欣
newozer + 20 高手啊。。。
yearshappy + 20 Awesome! appreciated:)



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发表于 16-5-2013 16:23:14 | 显示全部楼层
It is generous of you guys to grant me so much credit, which encourages me to search my brain harder, so I can bring out something useful. I don't believe I am any better than you guys in language, but I am willing to share. The only difference is I am greedy on the credit you guys poured me--Hope what I said will crack you up (把你逗乐). But don't get your hopes up (别期望值太高) on me bringing out much everyday, as for what I do, I am just flat out as a drunken lizard (累得趴下). Please don't mind me making a rookie mistake (新手常犯的错误) interpreting what I hear in daily work, because I am learning too. Here comes more:
Don't pull that trigger/Don't even go there again! 别再惹那个火了,那个火力点不能惹
Pull some strings to get what I want! 动用了一些关系, 得到想要的东西
Kick a man when he is down! 落井下石
Could be a lot worse! 可能会更糟, 这就不错了
No string attached! 谁也不欠谁
Take a rain check on that! 这次我不能赴约,下回再说, 用于婉拒朋友的邀请
Couldn't care less/Don't give a shit! 再不能比这更漠不关心的了
You sure know your audience! 见什么人, 说什么话,但是, 为褒义,意为某人善于交流


参与人数 4威望 +144 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 你太有才了!
x24 + 24 灰墙好~
newozer + 50 你太有才了!
MICHELLE07 + 50 这个非常棒,很有意思.



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发表于 16-5-2013 16:30:48 | 显示全部楼层
It is generous of you guys to grant me so much credit, which encourages me to search my brain harder, so I can bring out something useful. I don't believe I am any better than you guys in language, but I am willing to share. The only difference is I am greedy on the credit you guys poured me--Hope what I said will crack you up (把你逗乐). But don't get your hopes up (别期望值太高) on me bringing out much everyday, as for what I do, I am just flat out as a drunken lizard (累得趴下). Please don't mind me making a rookie mistake (新手常犯的错误) interpreting what I hear in daily work, because I am learning too. Here comes more:
Don't pull that trigger/Don't even go there again! 别再惹那个火了,那个火力点不能惹
Pull some strings to get what I want! 动用了一些关系, 得到想要的东西
Kick a man when he is down! 落井下石
Could be a lot worse! 可能会更糟, 这就不错了
No string attached! 谁也不欠谁
Take a rain check on that! 这次我不能赴约,下回再说, 用于婉拒朋友的邀请
Couldn't care less/Don't give a shit! 再不能比这更漠不关心的了
You sure know your audience! 见什么人, 说什么话,但是, 为褒义,意为某人善于交流

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发表于 20-5-2013 23:48:51 | 显示全部楼层
Hey, what is everyone up to(大家都在做什么)? It seemed that I just stood you guys up(爽约), apologies for that.
Now, I hope you guys don't mind that I am gonna talk about my little puppy--Harvey today. One of my friends sent me a picture of a puppy reaching out to a word "Walk?" in the computer。


She was asking me: Hey, I didn't know you had taught Harvey some computer skills?
I replied: Yes, I have. But Harvey has been too swamped with (忙得不可开交) chewing furnitures to follow my excellent teaching skills. He is a smart little guy, and I really need to talk some sense into him (讲明一些道理), let him learn some tricks rather than stay in these destructive behaviors.
So, I put my foot down (做出决定)today, and I am gonna take the control snapping him out of it (把他从。。。拉出来). I had been very patient with his destructive behaviors, and was kind of hopping he would grow out of it (长大以后,将坏习惯丢掉). But I now realize it would be a myth (不可能的希望) for him easily to take up what I put him up for (搁在他肩上的任务).

Snap out of it 亦可用于在人不愉快的时候,劝告人别再想这事了,赶快振作起来吧
For instance: Jen has been feeling very low recently, because she had just been through a nasty divorce, and her husband just left her and two toddlers high and dry (没有任何经济和情感上的支持). She was so concentrating her own loss that she totally neglected her children emotionally, who were left in grandparents' hands. Her mum couldn't help lashing out on (发脾气) her finally: I understand what you have been through, It is a whole lot for any woman to take in, but Why couldn't you just snap out of it for one day, your children need you to stay strong for them!   

Grow out of it  亦意味着小孩长大了, 衣服不能穿了

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 20-5-2013 23:50 编辑 ]


参与人数 4威望 +144 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 你太有才了!
x24 + 24 谢谢分享gougou!
newozer + 50 88同学太有才了。。。
MICHELLE07 + 50 是原创吗?不敢相信呢.



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发表于 21-5-2013 08:20:33 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #159 yping88 的帖子

Thanks for your generosity, Mechelle. But can you encourage your friends to show their support showering me with some credits? I spent much more than I brought in recently, I have been very short in my pocket. Heehee


参与人数 3威望 +150 收起 理由
浮云云艾米莉 + 50 你太有才了!
newozer + 50 你太有才了!
MICHELLE07 + 50 谢谢分享!see 161#



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发表于 21-5-2013 10:59:02 | 显示全部楼层
Haha, when it comes to financial territory, I'm totally a green hand. But, just out of curiosity, Michelle, how our lingering around benefits that  x24 fella?
If I can be any help at all, I am more than pleased to hang around. I am sure it'll be fun!
Now, I was just wondering, with your pouring me so much credits, will you be put into debt any time soon?  Lol


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 俺也给你加分。。。
MICHELLE07 + 50 所有的分都给你也情愿呀



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发表于 21-5-2013 11:37:30 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #163 MICHELLE07 的帖子

You are sweet and funny, Mechelle. What you put up there absolutely made my day!  I guess I could settle for the best supporting actress. This show was put on so much interesting highlights because of your wonderful sense of humor. Oh, God, I totally enjoyed it.


参与人数 3威望 +124 收起 理由
浮云云艾米莉 + 50 你太有才了!
x24 + 24 广告/SPAM
MICHELLE07 + 50 加分!



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发表于 21-5-2013 11:38:25 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #163 MICHELLE07 的帖子

Later on, I am gonna translate one of funny monologues by Ma Shan Li.

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 21-5-2013 12:36 编辑 ]


参与人数 3威望 +94 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 San Li MA? Hahaa
x24 + 24 发现默认评语里面只有广告这一项带英文的。 ...
MICHELLE07 + 50 聪明!多发几遍(我知道你无意的)



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发表于 21-5-2013 12:04:32 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #165 yping88 的帖子

You know me well, Michelle. Having said that I am hunger for some credits, I wouldn't make money by cheating. I am on a mobile device, that's why.

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 21-5-2013 12:36 编辑 ]


参与人数 3威望 +124 收起 理由
x24 + 24 恭喜你!
newozer + 50 原来如彼。。。
MICHELLE07 + 50 Yeah 分 is nothing I know you but you de



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发表于 21-5-2013 21:32:44 | 显示全部楼层
Hey, I'm now a rich woman thanks to you guys, just to show you all how much your generosity is appreciated, I am gonna lay out (陈列出) my English version of a monologue by famous comedian--Ma Shan Li.
I was once asked by my colleague regarding Chinese drink culture--If Chinese men get drunk? I said: Oh, pretty much so, to get the idea how drunk they could be, please hear a well-known funny story.
Well into the night 夜深人静, two men--A & B staggered out of 摇摇晃晃地 a pub, roaming about 晃悠 on the street and bragging 吹嘘 how much more they could drink and still could stay sober (保持清醒). But they actually couldn't find their way home.
A: I just couldn't believe I would be this much soberer and wiser after that many shots (这么多杯酒), now I feel like I still can settle for (还能够) many more.
B: No, I don't think you are still with it(清醒,能够理解事务). But, look at me, I am the more conscious & wiser one. To be honest, I feel like I was only half-way done (才喝到半尽兴) with the shots.  
A: How could you pass yourself for (把自己装成) the soberer one when you couldn't even keep your balance?
B: How could you claim yourself the wiser one when you acted as an idiot?
Then, A switched on 打开了 a torch, pointing it towards sky. The strong, bright beam just shoot up into the sky forming a straight light pole upwards.
A: To prove how sober you are, I dare you to climb up the pole and see how high you can go!
B: I can sure climb up as high as I want to, but I am wise enough not to do that. Because, if I get up there, I fear that you will switch off (关掉电门). If you did, I would drop dead (摔死).


参与人数 5威望 +194 收起 理由
浮云云艾米莉 + 50 谢谢分享!
yearshappy + 20 谢谢分享!
x24 + 24 谢谢分享!
newozer + 50 classic...
MICHELLE07 + 50 这么好的东西怎么不放我帖子里啊



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发表于 21-5-2013 22:02:34 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #168 MICHELLE07 的帖子

Feel free to move it to your show if you see the need, Michelle. Or I can do it to steal more credits. I will be the beneficiary either way.


参与人数 2威望 +74 收起 理由
x24 + 24 what do u need more credits for?
MICHELLE07 + 50 It' alright. Be happy! Thanks so much



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发表于 23-5-2013 20:51:58 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #173 yearshappy 的帖子

Hey, Yearshappy, it's nice to meet you again. We did once online in another post before, I remember you as a well-spoken girl.


参与人数 1威望 +24 收起 理由
x24 + 24 我很赞同!



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发表于 23-5-2013 23:46:12 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #173 yearshappy 的帖子

Oops, my phone was trying to re-post the same thing again.

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 23-5-2013 23:50 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 173#问的是马三立吧。



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发表于 7-7-2013 14:09:59 | 显示全部楼层
x24 发表于 7-7-2013 10:03


We are within stones throw!

And this one is clean! haha


参与人数 1威望 +24 收起 理由
x24 + 24 你太有才了!



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发表于 19-7-2013 17:59:30 | 显示全部楼层
x24 发表于 19-7-2013 08:50
I will shout you lunch~

这个绝对澳洲本土。一般和老美这么说对方是听不明白滴。啥?why shouting at m ...

I have never shouted anybody or been shouted by anybody lunch yet in Australia, so have no luck to pick this one up.

Thank you for bringing this one up!


参与人数 1威望 +24 收起 理由
x24 + 24 你太有才了!



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发表于 23-9-2013 20:42:09 | 显示全部楼层
x24 发表于 30-7-2013 15:16
Budgy Smuggler

Thanks to you, x24

I was right on the ball today when one of my colleagues brought this one up! She asked if we knew why Tony Abbot was called Budgie Smuggler!

Very amusing!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 哈哈哈哈



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