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发表于 29-3-2021 18:13:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1、穿越黄色和红色路口交通灯 cross against an amber or red traffic light
  2、穿越黄色和红色人行道交通灯 cross against an amber or red pedestrian light
  3、在斑马线20米之内横穿马路 cross the road within 20 metres of a pedestrian crossing
  4、从电车下车后没有穿越最近的路边 fail to cross to the nearest edge of the road after getting off a tram
  5、不遵守警察的交通指示 fail to obey a traffic instruction from a police officer
  6、没有采用最近最直接的方法穿越马路 fail to use the shortest or most direct route across a road
  7、从尚在移动的车上下车 get out of from a moving vehicle
  8、沿着自行车道走路或者不给自行车道让路 walk along or fail to give way when crossing a bicycle path
  9、不正确走路(比如面对来车不靠边走路) walk improperly on a road (by not keeping to the far side facing oncoming traffic when walking along a road where it is not practicable to use the footpath or nature strip)
  10、强行穿越道口 cross a level crossing when not permitted
  11、不遵守“”行人莫入标志 disobey a ‘no pedestrian’ sign.
  12、抢道驾驶员的行驶轨迹导致车祸 cause a traffic hazard by moving into the path of a driver

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发表于 30-3-2021 10:09:43 | 显示全部楼层

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