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[Mac] 免费 Apple OS X LION 升级码

发表于 19-10-2011 23:30:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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快到这里试试吧:http://store.apple.com/133-622/W ... partNumber=MD203Z/A


详情请联系piztol.w@gmail.com. 包安装指导。

Apple charges $31.99 for this item.


To upgrade your Mac to OS X Lion, you don’t need to drive to a store, bring home a box, and install a bunch of discs. All you do is buy Lion code, click the Mac App Store icon and redeem the code, and your Mac does the rest. Just make sure you have what you need to download Lion to your Mac.

It is buyers' obligation to make sure your Mac is eligible for upgrading to OSX Lion.

Make sure your Mac can run Lion.

Your Mac must have an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor to run Lion. Find out if your current Mac has one of these processors by clicking the Apple icon at the top left of your screen, then choosing About This Mac.

Make sure you have the latest version of Snow Leopard.

Get up to date with the latest version of OS X Snow Leopard to purchase OS X Lion from the Mac App Store. If you have Snow Leopard, click the Apple icon and choose Software Update to install Snow Leopard v10.6.8, the latest version.

Download OS X Lion from the Mac App Store.

Open the Mac App Store from your Dock, log in your account. On the right colum, click "Redeem" under “Quick links”, enter the code, redeem and download it. Then follow the onscreen instructions to install Lion.

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