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8.24日 ,昨天PLE一下今天给回复了,结果是这样,也不知道是不是就是分了CO了,大家给分析一下,查询进度页面无任何变化,我咋一点感觉都没有呢,看进度没变化,就觉得没有CO
8.25日,进度页面变化为 Application being processed further 但是文件列表无任何变化仍为required
标题是- Re: GSM post-lodgement enquiry
Dear Client,
Thank you for your email in relation to your visa application under Australia's General Skilled Migration program.
Your enquiry has been referred to your case officer for their attention and appropriate action.
We appreciate your patience in this matter.
For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please refer to our website using the following link http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/gsm/post.htm
Yours sincerely,
General Skilled Migration
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
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[ 本帖最后由 liuxl7 于 9-11-2011 17:24 编辑 ] |