配偶加分有啊,你再仔细看看,partner skills
New Points Test
25 points
30 points
25 points
15 points
0 points
Competent English - IELTS 6
0 points
Proficient English - IELTS 7
10 points
English language
Superior English - IELTS 8
20 points
One year Australian (of past two years)
5 points
Three years Australian (of past five years)
10 points
Australian work experience in nominated occupation or a closely related occupation
Five years Australian (of past seven years)
15 points
Three years overseas (of past five years)
5 points
Five years overseas (of past seven years)
10 points
Overseas work experience in nominated occupation or a closely related occupation
Eight years overseas (of past 10 years)
15 points
Offshore recognised apprenticeship
AQFIII/IV completed in Australia
Diploma completed in Australia
10 points
Bachelor degree (including a Bachelor degree with Honours or Masters)
15 points
(Australian or recognised overseas)
20 points
Recognition of Australian Study
Minimum two years fulltime (Australian study requirement)
5 points
Designated language
5 points
Partner skills
5 points
Professional Year
5 points
Sponsorship by state or territory government
5 points
Sponsorship by family or state or territory government to regional Australia
10 points
Study in a regional area
5 points
To gain points for abilities in any of the following Australian designated languages, you must have either:
1, A professional level of language skills (written or oral) as evidenced by a qualification (of equivalent standard to an Australian degree) gained from a university where instruction was in one of the listed languages below; or
2, By accreditation with the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) at the professional level (Translator/Interpreter Level).
Will the new points test change the evidence required to claim points for community
Yes. The new points test will recognise applicants who are accredited by the National
Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) in a designated language.
Points for designated language will no longer be able to be claimed on the basis of having
obtained a qualification from a university where instruction was in that language.