Centrelink不会给你找工的,它会让你去Job Services Australia注册,你去注册了之后,他们根据centrelink系统反馈给他们的信息决定是不是帮助你找工。当你去申请Newstart 时,centrelink在面试你的时候会问你一些问题,来决定你是不是disadvantaged people,然后他们根据你回答的问题,给你评定级别,如果你的级别是2以上,Job services Australia才会帮你,但是你还是得自己也努力去找工。If you are not on Centrelink payment, you are not eligible to be referred to a job. This system is worked for disadvantaged people. If Centrelink put you on basic level, they think you are job ready clients, you still need to look for work yourself.