ANZSCO Major Group 2 - Professionals: a score of at least 7 in speaking and 7 overall.
All ICT occupations will require proficient English (7 in each band).
Julianne O'Brien
Client Manager | Skilled and Business Migration
Business & Industry Development | ACT Chief Minister's Department
English language ability. Provide evidence that you have sufficient English language ability which will provide reasonable employment opportunities in the current Canberra labour market:
− a passport from the United Kingdom; Canada; New Zealand; United States of America; Republic of Ireland; or
− a current IELTS with the following minimum English ability:
♦ ANZSCO Major Group 1 - Managers and Administrators: proficient IELTS (a score 7 in each band).
♦ ANZSCO Major Group 2 - Professionals: a score of at least 7 in speaking and 7 overall.
♦ ANZSCO Major Group 3 - Technicians and Trade Workers: a score of at least 7 and 7 overall
♦ ANZSCO Major Group 4 - Community and Personal Service Workers: a score of at least 7 in speaking and 7 overall.
♦ ANZSCO Major Group 5 - Clerical and Administrative Workers: a score of at least 7 in speaking and 7 overall.
♦ ANZSCO Major Group 6 - Salespersons: a score of at least 7 in speaking and 7 overall.