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发表于 30-10-2009 21:39:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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From 1 January 2010, in order to receive a positive Skills Assessment, applicants will need:

to hold a qualification which is assessed at the required educational level in a highly relevant field of study to the nominated occupation;

at least one year of relevant employment for all occupations. For some occupations, either one or two additional years of employment is required if the qualification/s has a shortfall in content relevance.  Employment must have been completed in the last five years.

VETASSESS is the Gazetted Assessing Authority for pre-migration Skills Assessments for over 200 occupations on the Skilled Occupation List. In consultation with DIAC, VETASSESS has been revising its assessment procedures for its “general occupations”, i.e. occupations in ASCO Managerial, Administrative, Professional and Associate Professional categories. These changes will be implemented on 1 January 2010 and will ensure that migrants have the relevant skills and qualifications for employment in Australia in their nominated occupations. Though our assessment for the general occupations is for migration purposes only, we expect that the revised assessment will improve applicants’ job readiness and prospects to secure employment in their nominated field in Australia.  

Special arrangements for Skills Assessment for the purpose of a Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485)

VETASSESS will offer a Stage 1 Skills Assessment (educational assessment only) for on-shore international students who need a Skills Assessment for the purpose of a Skilled Graduate – Graduate Temporary (subclass 485) visa.  The educational assessment will require a qualification at Australian Bachelor degree level in a field of study of high relevance to the nominated occupation. The nominated VETASSESS occupation needs to be in the ASCO Managerial, Administrative or Professional categories, i.e. in ASCO Major Groups 1 or 2.   DIAC will require a full Skills Assessment (qualifications and employment) to support an application for permanent migration. Those applicants who have a positive Stage 1 educational assessment for the purpose of a 485 visa may reapply to VETASSESS for the full assessment (Stage 1 and 2) once they have evidence of the required employment experience for their nominated occupation.

We hope that this special arrangement for 485 visa applicants will provide on-shore international students who lack relevant employment in their nominated occupation with the opportunity to gain that experience.   

Overview of the revised assessment process

All VETASSESS general occupations have been grouped into four groups - A, B, C and D.  Although all of these groups have assessment criteria which require relevant employment/on-the-job training at an appropriate level, they are differentiated by their educational requirements. Group A occupations require an Australian Bachelor degree or comparable level qualification in a highly relevant field for entry to the occupation. Group B occupations also require a qualification at this level but not necessarily in a highly relevant field of study. Group C occupations require an Australian Associate Degree/AQF Diploma/Advanced Diploma or comparable qualification.  Group D occupations require an AQF Certificate IV or comparable qualification.

Please find attached lists of occupations in Groups A, B, C and D together with the assessment criteria for each of those groups.

Expiry date for Skills Assessments

All Skills Assessments issued under the new arrangements will have a validity period of two years.  The expiry date will be twenty four months from the date of issue of the original Skills Assessment.

Transition arrangements

All new applications received from January 2010 will be assessed under the new process.  VETASSESS recommends that applicants who apply in 2009 should submit all relevant documents and payment by 18 December 2009 to ensure that their application is assessed under the current system.  Otherwise, the new criteria may apply.  For applications received by VETASSESS in 2009, DIAC has allowed a three-month grace period from January to March 2010 for VETASSESS to finalise its pipeline cases for the general occupations.  However, no applications under the old process will be accepted in 2010.

DIAC has advised assessing authorities that they will introduce ANZSCO to the skilled migration program later in 2010.  VETASSESS will consult with DIAC about the transition arrangements from ASCO to ANZSCO.

Occupational profiles

VETASSESS has developed lists of relevant fields of study and relevant tasks for its general occupations.  It is in the process of contacting relevant industry and professional bodies for feedback on those occupational profiles.  

A range of resources were used to develop these occupational profiles including the Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) website; the Australian Bureau of Statistics websites for ASCO and ASCED (the Australian Standard Classification of Education); the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations website for Job Guide; the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) website sponsored by the US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration; and education provider websites.

It is hoped that the changes to our assessment process will provide the relevant registration, licensing and professional associations in Australia with a pool of more suitable applicants. We note that many of these authorities have additional requirements for registration, licensing or membership. VETASSESS will continue to advise applicants accordingly.  We may provide applicants with further information on the occupation, including links to relevant organisations.  

Technical interviews

Under the new arrangements, as part of the assessment process, VETASSESS will telephone some applicants to clarify information in the application, and to discuss the applicant’s occupational skills. No additional charge will apply for a technical interview.

Fees and application forms

New fees will apply to applications for a skills assessment under the new process. The new fee schedule will be available on our website from 11 November 2009.  The new application forms will be on our website in December.


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