一个网站上说,他给immi打了电话,说准迁要到7月中旬才会发。 http://britishexpats.com/forum/s ... =601420&page=10
well this is my first direct post to u and thought of sharing this info which i got today as u have been very active updater on this forum which have given valueable info to lot of people like me ...
Well i m in d same boat as u r but i have not been asked to fill tht charchter assesment form , and staus of my document checklist were all MET on 21.5.09.
Well today i called DIAC immi office and the customer care person told me tht all is ok with my application but they will grant visa probably by 2nd week of july and dint give ne reason 4 tht dealy , he said i cant disclose tht thing .
well i m frm India Hr country , isnt it starnge some people get there visas the very next day after there docs chnage to met some like us has to wait for so long , but hey thts wht the representative told me , I dnt knw how far its true.
Please be aware that as we approach the end of the program year we will need to monitor grant numbers very closely so as not to exceed ourdesignated quota. Applications with State or Territory nominations stillremain our priority."
So, I tend to believe they are not going make further grants until beginning of another program year.